A break? Seriously?

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Lance Pov
As I got home I noticed a few people walking by laughing and talking. I glanced at them until I noticed the girl at the movies. I look at her closely and she seemed to notice and she lowered her eyes as I glared "Girl what's wrong?" "Nothing, hurry up Bella"

she pulls her friends arms and leave. I rolled my eyes and make it to my room and relax my eyes. I smile thinking about Keith and how well he connected with my family. I've never really felt like this with anyone and it feels nice, I just hope he stays by my side for awhile.

I woke up the next day and got ready for school as I was about to leave Keith stood on the steps "Oh, morning Keith? You okay?" I asked as I pecked his lips "Uh yeah I'm fine just thinking" "Oh no, when you think it's usually bad" he tilts his head to the side "Well it's kinda bad" "You can tell me"

I managed to say as I lifted his chin "Lance its something that deals with my past and I don't want you in the middle of it" he said as he held my face "What do you mean?" "I don't and anyone hurting you Lance or even one of your family members, I won't be okay if any of you gets hurt cause of me"

I lowered my eyes as he made me look into his "Lance, I need to deal with this on my own and I don't want you near me for awhile" "But you're my boyfriend Keith! I love you and care about you especially your safety you idiot!" I said as I held his shirt "Lance I love you too but I'm just saying you're not safe if you're with me"

I noticed the tears falling freely down his pale face as I wiped it away "So what do you want me to do?" He pulled me closer to him as he held tight "I don't want to break up with you because I'll go insane. Let's take a fake break until I take care of it"

I sigh and buried my head on his shoulder as I hoped he walked out okay and not worse "Please be careful when you do" "I will, you should keep a look out for anything strange" he nods as he pulls away slowly as he gives me a deep kiss "Anything for you Lance, now I'll be gone for a week so don't worry"

"A week! Keith that's too much time what about school and your brother Shiro?" "He talked to Allura so i got an okay" I held around his waist as his arms were around my neck "So you're going ghost for a week?" "Yeah, but I'll keep you in my thoughts, just don't go looking for me Lance"

I nodded "Lance" "I won't look for you Keith, but I'm gonna worry like crazy when you go" he nods and kissed me again this time pulling my bottom lip and brushing his nose against mine "God, me too but I'll finish this and we'll be back together and safe" I smiled and nodded

"Alright, I guess this is goodbye?" "I don't like goodbyes, how about see you later" "Alright" before he walk away I pulled him for one last kiss which made him chuckle "Man I'm gonna miss your kisses" he said and I smirked "Same well go on before I keep you here" he smiles and takes off and i stand there feeling a bit empty and I haven't really felt like this since Cassandra.

I managed to get to school but it felt weird since I was so used to walking with Keith cause we use to sneak kisses and whatnot. "McClain seems you came alone? Where's that disgusting boyfriend of yours?" I glared at colt as he had a gross smirk

"Wow why are you suddenly interested in my love life Colt? You got a little crush on me?" He scoffs and groans "As if ill never date the same gender, do you know where he is?" I chuckled as I walked by him "If you want to know we aren't together anymore"

he starts laughing a bit and hits the back of my head harshly "Oh poor you! Did he break up with you cause you couldn't give head? Or he found someone better than you?" I groaned and shoved him away from me "Screw you!" I yelled before he grabbed my shirt and threw me against the wall

"Oh did I hurt your little feelings McClain? Are you upset that the top student of the school left your sorry ass for someone new?" I tried holding in my tears but I couldn't and cried in front of this brute "Keith isn't that type of guy! Leave me alone you sack of potatoes!"

Lucky You ~Klance AuWhere stories live. Discover now