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Dialing Operator Shana . . .

Call Connected.

"Girlfriend Hotline's Operator Shana, speaking. . . Good midnight there."

"Wala nanaman yung kanta."

". . ."

"Did you just sighed?"

"Can't you hear it?"

"Oh. I heard it."

". . ."

"Bad trip ka ba ngayon? Kasi kung oo, sayang naman ang nai-ambag ko na happy mood para sa'yo. . ."

"What. . . what happy mood are you talking about?"

"Come on, I promised that I'll try to be happy right? Since I'm struggling too hard against the war between pessimism and optimism, I made myself a new habit of storing some 'happy' mood before calling you. . . hee hee."

"Did you just. . . did you just chuckled?"

"Ah. Yeah. Chuckle. . . yeah, I did. Why?"

". . ."

". . ."

"You're adorable."

"Wait 'til you get to see how horrible I look."

"Nevermind. I like listening to your voice nowadays."

". . ."

". . ."

"Are you even real?"

"Why did you asked? Of course I am, haha."

"People never liked listening to my voice."

"Even your friends?"

"They're an exception, duh."

"Ayun naman pala eh."

". . ."

". . ."

"Still, I'm looking for someone who's willing to listen to any of my blues whether it makes sense or not. Ya know, that's how true love works."

". . ."

"But the perfect boyfriend for me doesn't exist."

". . ."

"Chivalry is so freaking dead nowadays, unnie. Am I right?"


". . ."

"That's somewhat right. Minsan nababastos din kaya kami dito kahit sa tawag lang."

"Oh. . ."

". . ."

". . . I feel sorry for that."

Girlfriend Hotline » satzuजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें