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I woke up and each morning hoped a little bit-that maybe Chanyeol will be next to me when I turn around like days before.

But I hold back a choked whimper as the bed was empty with only me wrapped pitifully on one side. No warmth, no soft whispers of love, no anything.

Where's Chanyeol? Our wedding is in less than a month yet everything seems so wrong now.

Even though everything was already chosen and set, I feel uneasy.

The quietness in the house was getting to me so I wrapped myself in a large sweater before running down the staircase.

After I locked the doors and the gates, I walked out towards the bus stop even though it was quite far away.

As I was on the bus my head spun-I needed to find answers-I needed Chanyeol.

With my sweater wrapped tightly around me, I found Sehun's house and rung the doorbell.

After awhile a loud "Whose there?" Echoed before the door was opened.

Seeing Sehun made me sad, when we were in the orphanage he was the only one who took care of me and I felt truly loved ever since my parent's death and my brother's disappearance. But then Chanyeol entered my life and I experienced that love once again. Love-why does that word sound so foreign now.

"Baek? What's wrong?" Sehun lolled me out of my thoughts and overwhelmed with the lack of attention and insecurities attacking me I really needed a hug.

And so without a word, I squeezed Sehun with all my strength as I buried my head in his shirt. His scent made me feel safer-better than that suffocating fruity scent.

"Hy-Hyung?" Sehun questioned but I only held tighter before Sehun finally pulled me off and closed the door after tugging me in the house. I felt embarrassed for acting rashly but I really needed that hug.

After he pushed me on one of his couches did I feel a bit better again.

"What's wrong?" Sehun asked again but I only shook my head and grabbed a pillow to hug it to death.

"You have to tell me, Baek." Sehun asserted but I didn't want to say anything. Even though I wanted answers-I suddenly felt scared.

What if the answers I wanted are something that I don't want to hear?

"C-can I stay here for awhile?" I finally asked even though Sehun doesn't mind.

"Sure. You ok?"

"Can I hug you again?" I blurted out and Sehun seemed like he had a fever. His face was so pink and fidgety.

"Why? Why are you so clingy today?" Sehun questioned but I only let my head down because I miss Chanyeol. I wanted to be clingy with Chanyeol but he won't even let me touch him.

"Sehun do you hate me?" I asked because it seemed like Chanyeol hates me now.

"Wh-what are you saying?" Sehun blabbered and immediately two arms rubbed my back gently. It felt so nice and I felt loved again.

"Sehun I love you. I love you so much b-but why do you hate me? I just wanted a hug but now you're avoiding me. What did I do wrong? I lo-love you so much." I ranted as I poured my feelings out. Words that weren't said to Chanyeol felt so much better after I spilled them out.

"What? I'm confused Baek what are you talking about?" Sehun asked but I only ignored him and decided to ponder what I did wrong.


Sehun's Pov

Why was Baekhyun so sad? I rocked him back and forth before he closed his eyes but seemingly gripped me tighter.

He looked so serene in my arms that I wondered if it was possible-

No I shouldn't betray Baekhyun's trust for me or Chanyeol's either. But that man's proposal was floating through my mind.

A sniffle brought me back to Baekhyun who looked distressed and exhausted like he hadn't slept for a long time.

Slowly, I lifted him up and brought him in my room. After I covered him with a blanket and closed the window since it was starting to rain, I went downstairs to take care of some business.

It neared evening when I heard lightning strike and the sound echoed around. The rain continued pouring and I continued typing on my laptop. My fingers stopped midway when I remembered Baekhyun upstairs.

Gulping I quickly padded up the stairs and pushed open the door and Baekhyun was indeed shaking under was blanket.

"Mmm-g-go away. St-stop lightning. Mmmmm." Baekhyun mumbled and smiling I got closer before smacking what I believed was Baekhyun's back and a loud scared cry came from the blanket.

"Se-SEHUN! Sehun come here! Help! Sehun! SEHUN!" Baekhyun cried and laughing I pulled his blankets off and Baekhyun's pink sniffling face and droopy puppy eyes greeted me.

Immediately, he lunged at me and I held him as he cried on my shoulder.

"I-I thought th-that I would die!" Baekhyun sniffled and I only patted his back before I placed a gentle kiss in his hair. I only felt a teensy bit of guilt for forgetting him here since my happiness overshadowed my other emotions.

"Ar-are you not scared of li-lightning anymore? Y-you used to be scared too." Baekhyun revealed and I gulped before making up an excuse that I grew out of it even though I never had a fear of thunder or lightning before.

"Sehunnie remember when you were little and you used to be so clingy all the time? Now look at you all tall and cool." Baekhyun reminisced as he snuggled on the bed.

"Yah! I was just giving you a bit of attention since you looked sad...I wasn't clingy. Now you're being clingy." I mumbled denying my past self and changing the subject.

"Whatever you say~" He smiled a bit before he looked a bit serious as he wrapped his arms around his legs. But then softly so soft I almost couldn't hear him whisper a bit broken and a bit unsure "A-am I t-too clingy?"

I gulped as I saw a bit of little Baekhyun again-burdening himself with mistakes he did not make, breaking down into small pieces, and feeling not good enough.

Just what was wrong? What happened?

"Baek it's not that-I like clingy people. I-I like you." I stammered and I felt my ears heating up a bit and hands a bit clammy. Get a grip Oh Sehun.

But I only saw the soft breathing of hyung as he looked so tiny curled up like that and I actually felt warmth surge in my heart-so peaceful. I wished I woke up with Baekhyun in my arms every morning.

But little did he know that his thought fueled something far sinister than he believed.


Sebaek is like my guilty pleasure haha...but guess what's going to happen with Chanyeol 🤔🤔🤔

Only Yours (Chanbaek/Baekyeol)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ