Chapter 29 - Fight through the pain

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Sakura felt her entire body itching. How many days have passed? How many days of starvation? She was afraid. Not for herself but for him. Kami, she wasn't able to defend herself being full alert and he was in a freaking coma. How was this fair? They are such cowards. Doing everything without playing fair or even putting effort. The shinobi world was not fair. The most wicked wins in your moment of vulnerability and it just... Ends. No warning. You are sent into the dark abyss that you won't be able to leave ever again.

She tried. She risked her life and own sanity in bringing him back to the village. She held him in her arms, close to her heartbeat yet never had the courage to tell him. How he made her heart take a leap and nearly breaking her ribcage, how his touch sent electricity even to the tiniest and insignificant cell of her body, how his smell gave her more addiction than those pills ever did. She never thought she will end up like this. With the person she loves the most slipping through her fingers like dry sand. It was frustrating. Everything she did was not good enough. She was not good enough. The pinkette ripped the skin of her wrists until she was laying in a pool of blood in darkness. She would not give up.

She could not give up.

The rope was digging into her raw flesh. Where was the pain? She could not feel it anymore. It was shadowed by the fear in her heart.

"L-let me get to him!" she screamed in agony jerking her body upwards.

She was currently laying on her right side, on the rough and cold floor. It was dark and silence. Only her fast heartbeat could be heard.

"He's fine, he's fine... He will be fine. He has to be fine." she lost it. All the strength she gathered to not cry disappeared in a moment of exasperation. "He's strong..." she whispered while her tears hit the floor mingling with the blood.

She sobbed quietly to not give Danzo satisfaction. He would sense the tiny bit of doubt she has and it will boost his confidence dangerously. She clentched her fist behind her back, making the rope created friction. She clentched her teeth. She had to be strong.

Itachi was running through the forest for one and half days with no rest. He had to get there. She was with him. He couldn't let her here.

His mind wandered through his darkest thoughts of what could possibly happen. He had to stop on a branch and shake his head lightly. Calmness was the key. He could not risk harming her too while he takes his revenge. His hand rested on the tree tunk while he caught his breath.

The older Uchiha closed his eyes for two seconds, inhaling deeply the smell of the forest after rain. It was peaceful. Unlike the gore images that were running through his mind.

His fist clentched, his nails dug into his flesh, making a few droplets of blood strain the branch he was standing on.

"Itachi... Please, help me!" her faint and desperate voice was heard in his mind. His chest clentched. He could see her faded image and she was sinking further into the darkness.

He suddenly opened his red eyes, activating his Mangekyou Sharingan. It was spinning wildly thank's to the fury he felt. He forgot how it was to have such an intense feeling. It was so long...

"I am coming..."

He starded jumping again from branch to branch.


An explosion which made the entire hideout shake to the ground snapped Sakura from her muttering and sobs. Her eyes opened wide even though she couldn't see anything.

Orders that were shouted by former ANBU members were heard in the hallway, just ouside the door.

"Team 3, go and hold him back. We have to get Danzo-sama out of here!" a man shouted agitated.

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