Chapter 9 - A familiar feeling

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"Falling in love is very real, but I used to shake my head when people talked about soul mates, poor deluded individuals grasping at some supernatural ideal not intended for mortals but sounded pretty in a poetry book. Then, we met, and everything changed, the cynic has become the converted, the sceptic, an ardent zealot." - E.A. Bucchianeri

"Sakura..." Itachi whispered.

She freed them both from her grip, turning to Sasuke and hitting him hard in the jaw, sending him a few meters away. This surprised the younger Uchiha considering that the last time he saw her, she was still weak and needed protection. The raven haired man his a portion of the wrecked building's ceiling.

The anger pumped through the pinkette's veins. In a quick movement, she turned around, ready to punch the older Uchiha too, but even though he was deeply wounded, he still had good reflexed. He caught her fist in his hand.

"You asshole!" a waterfall of tears formed on her cheeks. She was broke. How could he do something like this to her? She trusted him and he played her. He watched her closely. He didn't have a legit explanation. He could have stayed at least until she woke, he wasn't in a hurry. But perhaps he was afraid of how she would react.

"I-i trusted you..." she sobbed, her voice breaking. "And y-you... You used me." she moved her hurt gaze to the ground. Her tears were hitting the grey rock. "You're just like the others." she whispered.

His face softened. He never meant to give her such pain. But also he never expected to react this way once she realizes who he is.

"Sakura..." she heard his raspy voice. The same raspy voice from last night. It was no doubt.

Sasuke got on his feet, wiping his mouth from blood with the back of his hand.

"Sakura, what are you doing here?" he asked his old team mate calmly. He found it weird that Itachi didn't attack her after she attacked him. What was going on. She furiously wiped her tears, an angry look shooting towards Sasuke.

Her hand reached inside her bag, her fingers feeling the shape of a scroll. She took it out, tossing to Sasuke. It hit his chest and fell on the ground. His confused look followed the object that she tossed.

"Just read it." she said, her voice barely audible.

He bent down and picked it up.

She turned again to the older Uchiha "I don't even know why I'm doing this. I don't even know why I just don't let him kill you!" she shouted in his face. He narrowed his eyes. What was she talking about?

He lifted his hand to caress her cheek but she jerked away from his touch.

"Don't you dare to touch me ever again!" her words broke his heart. He deserved it, but hearing her saying it hurt more like ten thousad spears.

"How can you... How can you live with yourself? Just because you have suffered it gives you the right to wreck the others too?" she started crying once again. Her vision blurred from the tears. "Why couldn't you just tell me that you wanted that. At least I wouldn't have gotten my hopes so high." her tears soaked her pink cheeks. Her sobs, her pain, made his body tremble. What was happening to him? Was this a feeling long forgotten that threatened to wake?

He took her hand in his, looking at her fingers. She still wore that ring with his initials. His fingertips brushed the ring, remembering the first night when he saw her sleeping so innocently. A small smile appeared on his lips.

"It's not entirely like that."

She lifted her head to look into his black eyes. Her forest-like eyes were so exquisite, he observed.

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