Chapter 10 - Someone important

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"We are told that people stay in love because of chemistry, or because they remain intrigued with each other, because of many kindnesses, because of luck. But part of it has got to be forgiveness and gratefulness." - Ellen Goodman

Tsunade, Naruto and the ANBU tracker stopped suddenly when he felt Sakura's chakra.

"Up there!" Naruto pointed towards a wrecked building. His body started to tremble when he saw another figure that was holding her to his chest. He recognized the black hair and the signature loose ponytail with a black cloak with red clouds. Itachi Uchiha.

The blond clentched his fists and gritted his teeth in annoyance. Who does he think he is to lay a finger on Sakura?! He will pay for it.

Tsunade's eyes widened in fear when she saw that Sakura wasn't moving. She started running to the building, jumping on it's roof where the two of them were. Her heels making a small sound on the hard rock. Itachi lifted his face full of tears to look into the Hokage's terrified eyes.

"She's not breathing..." he told her with his voice trembling. Tsunade hurried to her side checking her pulse and confirming her worst fear.

With some fast hand signs, she activated her Byakugou seal, pumping chakra into her body. She observed a hole through her stomach which strained her hands, Itachi's claoak, the rock beneath her. She lifted her eyes to look into Itachi's but his eyes were glued to the pinkette's face. He felt her stare.

"Sasuke." he answered her unspoken question.

"Granny Tsunade, get away from him!" she heard Naruto shouting behind her.

"Naruto, stop!" her voice boomed, making the blond shut up. "He is not the danger right now." her eyes lifted again, looking at him. "Arigato." she whispered. He just nodded.

"She will live. We got here in time." Tsunade informed the impatient Uchiha. He exhaled the air that he was holding.

Sakura coughed a few times.

"Shh, it's alringht!" the blonde woman caressed her face gently with her hand. "I can't believe that the person you love did this to you." Itachi's heart clentched at her words.

The pinkette's eyes opened lazily making everyone gasp.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto ran to her.

"Naruto... You are so loud. You even woke me from the deads."

The blond chuckled and so did Tsunade. Her seal dezactivated and she helped Sakura on her feet, supporting her.

The bubble gum haired girl looked at Itachi who stood up as well.

"Arigato... For holding me until they arrived." he just watched her, not daring to say anything.

"Can I speak to him alone, please?" she asked her master who just nodded.

"Wait, what if he attacks her?" Naruto asked panicked.

"Shut up, idiot." Tsunade dragged him by the collar, making Sakura chuckle. She turned her attention towards the black haired man.

"I think I should explain why your brother acted like that... That scroll contained your last mission." his eyes widened in shock.

"You mean..."

"Yes. The clan's massacre and the real reason. Instead of blaming Danzo, Sasuke thinks that the entire village is at fault. I think it's your duty to have a heartfelt conversation with him about this." she coughed.

"Whi did you save me?" he finnaly asked the question that ate him alive.

"I wanted to know why you treated me like garbage... You used me then threw me away..." she moved her gaze to the ground, feeling her tears. Itachi closed his eyes contemplating upon a proper answer but she was right, he had no excuse.

"I had to be killed by Sasuke. As a punishment for not trying harder stop my clan. I am sorry if I made you feel that way. I never thought about you like that."

She clentched her fists.

"At least... You should have let me switch the light on."

"You would have freaked out." he was right. She would have ran away, cry, warn everyone, because she was a weakling who couldn't face her fears. But not anymore, not after last night when she found that perhaps even the most feared criminals have a sensitive side.

"Without the scroll I can't tell them the truth." she changed the subject wiping her tears. "It will take awhile to convince them about you. Maybe I can chase Sasuke."

"Don't. It's dangerous." her head snapped up at his words. He seemed... worried. No, it must be her imagination. Why would he be worried for her?

"Then how will you come back?"

"Why would I? There's nothing left for me... Until you will forgive me. Then I would have a reason to return."


Her eyes widened at his words, her heart almost jumped out of her ribcage. Her lower lip started to tremble. Did he really care?

He lifted his arm caressing her soft cheek with his fingers.

"Perhaps I'm not the heartless monster you think I am. Not anymore." he whispered looking at her lips for some seconds.

She turned her back to him, letting his hand in the air.

"I have to think about it. It's not that easy to forgive something like that." she forced her voice to sound serious.
"Keep your summoning close to the village, if something happens, I will announce you."

She started walking towards her master and Naruto. Itachi watched her every step as she reached them and pulled Naruto into a hug, burring her face into his shoulder.

Maybe there was a chance, he thought. Maybe he deserves forgiveness but firstly, he had to forgive himself and stop Sasuke from self destruction. But id he will attack the village, Itachi won't hesitate on fighting Sasuke again, this time killing him. Not when he finally had someone important in that village to protect.

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