Chapter 23 - Mutual

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Sakura groaned. Her head was pounding like hell. She will never drink so much again. Those bottles of sake really gave her a hard time now. She lifted her uper body, looking around the room with her eyes half closed. Her vision was blurry and her throat felt sore. She found support on her arms.

The white, soft blanket covering her upper body slipped on her naked skin. She gasped, observing for the first time this morning that she was naked. She forgot to put on clothes last night? Her vision focused and she could see clearly that she wasn't in her bedroom. The pinkette gasped. Where was she? What happened? She looked at her side but the bed was empty. How embarassing. Now she will have to face whoever slept with her.

"I'm never gonna drink again." she groaned. "At least I hope that he looks good." she murmured.

Her feet touched the floor. How was she supposed to get out of here? Obviously, her clothes weren't in this room. She sighed.

"I want to die!"

She took the random loose black shirt that was tossed on the floor and dressed in it. She needed some cold water so bad.

Her feet carried her into the hallway and downstairs.

"Wait... This is familiar..." she looked around, her eyes widening in panick. "No, no, no, noooo!" she grabbed some pink locks in her fists, panicked. "How did I end up here? I slept with that bastard again. No!" she found support on the wall, letting her body slip down on the floor. What were the chances for her to sneak out only in this shirt and reach her apartment without anyone seeing her. Probably equal to 0 considering her luck.

The smell of eggs, bacon and coffee invadrd her nostrils. She heard a soft humming coming from the kitchen.

Sakura got up from the floor and followed the smell that made her stomach growl. There, inside the kitchen was a shirtless Itachi who wore only black pants. His hair was untied and he wore a white apron. He was with his back turned towards the door while he put the eggs and bacon on two plates. He sensed her presence.

"Morning, Sakura." he smiled to himself.

She swallowed the lump in her throat which made it hurt more.

"Oh, right. Here." he turned towards her and gave a glass of cold water. She drank it all, feeling refreshed.

"Better?" he asked with a smile.

She didn't answer. Instead, her wandering eyes traveled down his body, studying every muscle and every curve. He was really toned, she noticed. It was the first time she took a proper look at it and she felt her cheeks turning hot. Itachi noticed her intense gaze but he chose to stay silent in order to not embarass her further.

"Breakfast is ready. Take a sit." he snapped her from the dream. She obeyed, sitting at the small table, on one of the cushions.

Itachi placed the two plates on the table with two mugs of coffee. Sakura inhaled deeply.

She started eating while taking glances at the handsome man in front of her. After they finished, she stared out the window absently with the mug in her hands. Itachi didn't know what to say. He was beyond happy after hearing those three words last night but it looked like she regretted everything. He swallowed.

"What did we do last night?" she asked in her sweet, innocent voice, not moving her gaze from the window.

He arched an eyebrow.

"Do you really want me to say it out loud?"

She shook her head. "I guess not." she tapped her nails on the mug. "But... I don't want that to happen again. I am sorry but... I was drunk. Whatever I said, forget it."

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