Chapter 15 - A strong woman

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"She made broken look beautiful
and strong look invincible.
She walked with the Universe
on her shoulders and made it
look like a pair of wings." - Ariana Dancu

Sakura felt a hand on her shoulder shaking her slowly. She opened her eyes and was met by a woman with red long hair and glasses staring down at her sleepy figure.

"Good morning, Sakura."

The pinkette stood up on her bum, rubbing her tired eyes. She looked at her side, on the bed but saw that Sasuke was missing. Not that she missed him.

"He went out for a bit." the red headed woman answered to her unspoken thoughts. "He ordered me to wake you up and help you take a bath until he comes back. He wants to have lunch with you."

The pinkette cringed at her words even though her voice was soft.

"I'm Karin, by the way." she smiled softly.

Sakura threw the blankets aside, revealing her naked body, which made her cover herself in embarassement. Karin giggled.

"It's alright, I brought you a robe. Sasuke thought you may like a pink one." she handed her a pink fluffy bath robe. It was short but she loved the design. The pinkette dressed with it and tried to get up from the bed but a strong pain shot between her legs which made her collapse on the cold floor. She cried in pain. It felt like the last night, it was no different. Her legs started to tremble amd she couldn't get up. She clentched her fists, crying.

Karin watched her with pity in her eyes. She felt a lump in her throat at the image in front of her. She couldn't believe that Sasuke, the man she used to adore, was capable of such cruel things. This isn't the way he should trat a woman, especially a woman that he wants to bear his child. The red haired woman could feel her pain. It wasn't only physically. She was hurt by him in every possible way. He was a monster.

Karin helped her get up on her legs, putting her arm around herself to offer support. She was shaking from head to toes.

"I prepared the bathtub with Cherry Blossoms scent and bubbles so you can relax a bit." she tried to lighten the mood but she knew it was useless.

Karin guided the bubble gum haired girl outside the huge doors. The pinkette's green orbs scanned the long corridor. There were huge and heavy wooden doors on each side of it, some huge windows in between them and a long red carpet on the floor. The two girls stopped in front of a random door and Karin helped Sakura to find support on the wall while she struggled to open the heavy door.

Inside, Sakura was met by a big bathroom, with the bathtub in the middle. It's edges were golden. A lot of corourful towels were folded on some wooden shelves and a double white sink on the right wall with an imense mirror above it.

"I will be outside the door if you need anything."

The pinkette nodded. As soon as the door was closed, she hurried to the big window, stumbling on her own legs. She tried to open it but it was locked.

"Damn it!" she cursed, hitting it with her fist. She looked down at the village. On the streets were people walking carelessly. She wondered if they knew Sasuke.


After she took a bath, she wrapped herself again in the pink robe. Karin took her back to the bedroom but as soon as she opened the door, they noticed him, staring out the window.

"Karin, leave." he demanded in his cold tone. The red headed woman obeyed without questioning him throwing Sakura one last stare of pity.

He turned around as soon as the door was shut. He took slow, small steps, making the wood crack under his weight.

He eyed her from head to toes, stopping in front of her. He smirked devilishly.

"Before lunch Kabuto will check you so we can see if you are already pregnant or we have to continue our work." she trembled at his words. The blood froze in her veins. She gulped.

"B-but it's n-not t-too soon?" she asked with her voice trembling.

"It is, indeed. But Orochimaru's laborator is more advanced." he answered. The pinkette knew that she was not pregnant but she feared that they may find her IUD and if they removed it, she would get pregnant for real.

The raven haired man led her through the corridor and entered into a spooky dark laborator. Kabuto chuckled.

"Ah, Sakura. Long time, no see." he mocked the pinkette.

He signaled her to lay on the white table and she obeyed. Sasuke was watching her closely with his arms folded at his chest.

Kabuto untied her robe to reveal her belly, but he tried to not uncover the other parts too when he saw Sasuke narrowing his eyes at him. The nerd made some hand signs and pressed his hand to her belly then he took a weird liquid and poured it on her.


Itachi was scanning a map wondering where she could be. He was still in her apartment and he didn't sleep all night. Worry was written all over his face, making his lines deepen.

He thought about giving the Hokage some top secret informations about the organization in exchange for some informations about Sakura. Usually, he sent the informations through his summoning to Tsunade's assistant, Shizune.

He took a paper and a pen and started writting.

"I am writting this as an emergency even though the informations should be sent next month.

I have some top secret informations about the Akatsuki which will help the village take measures in case of any unexpected attack. Secrets such as dangerous unique abilities.

I am asking in return for informations about Sakura Haruno's kidnapping. I may be of help."

He tied the small letter to the crow's leg and let it fly from Sakura's bedroom window. He tapped his foot impatiently.


Shizune was reading some medical scrolls in her office when a crow flew through the window and landed on her desk. She jumped sightly from the chair but exhaled as soon as she recognized it.

"Itachi Uchiha."

She opened the letter and read thoroughly. Her eyes widened. It was such a tempting offer but she had to give secret informations. Currently, only the ANBUs were assigned to find her which annoyed Naruto. But they wanted to keep the secred in order for the villages not to panick at the thought of kidnapping.

She tapped her fingers on the desk, frowning. Sakura was Tsunade's only student and like a daughter to her. Also, the best medic after the Hokage and everyone adored her. But how did the Akatsuki member know about it and more importantly, why did he care so much? It was suspicious. Then she remembered... The Hokage told her how they found Sakura half dead being held by an Akatsuki member. Yes, no doubt it was him. Was he a friend of Sakura? It wasn't impossible. Then it would mean that she knows the truth and that they are the only two persons from Konoha knowing it.

No, she won't hesitate. Her life was in danger. Shizune grabbed a piece of paper and wrote fast in a sloppy handwritting. She tied the piece of paper to the crow's leg and let it fly back to it's owner.

The crow landed on Itachi's arm who was still in the pinkette's bedroom. He was impatient and unfolded it rapidly, almost ripping it. His eyes widened in panick at the words.

"The Hokage suspects that it may be Sasuke Uchiha the one who kidnapped her."

The Secret Lover (ItaSaku)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें