Chapter 15 ~Suffer Pt.2

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{Yoongi's Pov}

Flashback to the bar

Everywhere you turned I head I could see an ocean of people all crowded together yelling and dancing some even making out anywhere they could find space. I made my way through bar to get a few drinks for Y/n and I. Even though I don't really like places such as this I didn't mind because Y/n was with me and she was happy, even when I got a bit protective over her because Namjoon was drunk and got a bit touchy.

I smile remembering things that had only just happened. As I wait for the drinks a small girl walks up to me, she wore a really slutty outfit with what looked like almost ten inch heals and a shit load of makeup piled onto her face.

"Whatcha smiling at?" She said in an irritating 'sexy' voice that made me want to rip my ears off. I turn around and ignore her. "Hey! I'm talking to you sex.y" She says with a giggly voice. She was obviously completely out of it, she couldn't even stand properly.

"Can you please leave me alone, go find someone else to hook up with." I say in a cold voice looking away from her. She doesn't leave, instead she pushes a drink to my lips.

"Drink it~" Her words slurred. I shook my head pushing the drink away with my hand saying a quick 'no'. "Come on you're here to have fun, right? Why else would you be in a night club?" She smirked pushing the drink back up to my lips.

"If I do will you leave me alone?" I ask eyeing the drink carefully. She just nods and forces the drink into my mouth. I slowly swallow and feel it hit the bottom of my stomach with a burning sensation quickly following. I cough as my body consumes the alcohol.

"What the hell was that?" I turn around fully looking her directly in the eyes with a serious expression.

"Just a little something to get ya going~" Her smile is almost sickening at this point. My head starts to spin and a wave of adrenaline washes over me making me unable to move. I feel her drag me somewhere away from the bar, to the back of the club. I can't properly control my actions at this point because my  body was still getting use to the unknown substance that had entered my body. She fucking drugged me. 'I need to get away!'

I feel the still unknown girl push me against the wall and begin attacking me with almost suffocating kisses. I tried to focus on what was happening and push her off but my body was too slow.

My mind finally came back to an almost conscious state, I was still a bit dizzy but I ripped her off of me. That didn't stop her seeing as my strength wasn't at it's best. I try over and over but nothing seems to get her off me, until she gets nudged. I look up and see Y/n standing behind the girl, wide eyed looking as if she was going to cry.

The girl glares at Y/n and grabs me by the collar bringing me into another deep, lustful kiss. This time I pushed her to the side only to see that Y/n was gone. I try and run after her but I have no idea what direction she ran off in.

I hurry to the rest of the guys, who were acting like complete idiots. I look around for Jungkook seeing as I know he'd be sober. I find him sitting at the corner of the table simply observing the others with a dumb smile on his face.

I pull him by the shoulder, surprising him.

"Hyung what happened?" Jungkook notices my angered expression. I just shake my head.

"I'll tell you later. Get the guys we have to go." I say and run out leaving Jungkook confused.

Y/n is probably far from here but I have to at least try to find her.

End flashback

"Hyung why would you do that?" Taehyung asks sitting with everyone else in the living room. The others were still extremely drunk but were trying their hardest to help calm me down.

"I didn't do it on purpose! That bitch drugged me!" I exclaim standing from the couch clenching my fists.

"Yoongi calm down, please" Jin pleads.

"Have you tried calling or texting?" Namjoon sighs while taking a small sip of water. I nod and sit beside him. I had left numerous messages and called like twenty times but she's not answering anything.

"I don't care if she hates me, she has every right to. I just don't want her to be hurt." I sob as Namjoon takes me into his arms, I can't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. I know for certain that she is hurt and that the person that hurt her was me.

"We could call the police." Jungkook speaks after being quiet for a while.

"No. She's not missing and even if she was it would have to be a whole twenty four hours before we could file any kind of report." I shake my head, wiping my face. I stand up and grab my coat heading to the door.

"Hyung I'm coming with you!" Jungkook runs behind me quickly followed by the others.

"I know we won't be much help seeing as we are all drunk but I want to try." Taehyung smiles. And with that we all leave the dorm to find Y/n, hopefully.

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