Chapter 6 ~ Goodnight

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{Your Pov}

The sun fell and the day was overtaken by night. Everyone was watching a movie in the living room except for Jin and I because we were making dinner. I had insisted on helping and he didn't object my help so now I was helping out with a bit of tidying and cleaning in the kitchen while Jin was watching dinner. After Jin finished cooking I called the rest of the guys.

We all sat at the table and began eating and talking, mostly just stupid jokes that were funny song with Jin's dad jokes which were surprisingly hilarious making  almost choke on my food on some occasions.

Dinner was over shorty. Everyone excluding Jimin, who was cleaning up the rest of the dishes, sat in the living room looking for a movie watch.

"How about this one?" Yoongi says showing everyone the movie he picked, which was A silent voice, my favourite movie.

"I love that movie!"I exclaim in excitement. The others agree and we start the movie when Jimin walks back in with some popcorn.

The movie ends an I feel my eyes getting heavy. I try to move but I can't, I guess I was really tired. I close my eyes and soon fall asleep not realising that I was resting on Yoongi.


{Yoongi's Pov}

All the others had left to their rooms, it was only me and Y/N on the couch but Y/N was asleep. I pick her up carefully and carry her to my room. I place her on my bed and pull the covers over her small, sleeping figure. She looked so cute when she was sleeping, she looked so.... relaxed.

I stand staring at her for a while before exiting the room and going back to the living room. I lay in the couch looking up at the ceiling slowly drifting off to sleep, thinking about Y/N.


I slowly wake up to see it is still dark but the light in the kitchen is on. I get up and make my way to the kitchen cautiously not knowing what it could of be. Y/N was standing at the counter with a cup of water, her eyes slightly red and her hair a mess but she still looked cute.

"Sorry did I wake you up?" She said, her voice a little bit raspy as she took a sip of water.

"No you didn't. Why are you up anyway?" I ask, the smallest hint of worry in my question.

"I couldn't sleep, maybe a nightmare I can't really remember." Y/N says slowly putting the cup away in the sink. "Well I'll try to get back to sleep, goodnight." She walks off but I follow her into my room, she doesn't notice until I close the door. 

"I guess you can't sleep well on the couch?" She smiles with a small laugh that makes my heart flutter a small bit. I nod and she pats the bed next to her inviting me to lay next to her. I make my way to the bed and lay down making myself comfortable and making sure Y/N had enough room.

{Your Pov}

Yoongi lays next to me and I feel my face heat up a bit. I shuffle to the side making sure I wasn't too close to avoid any awkwardness. Except I may have moved a bit too far because I fell out of the bed and hit the floor.

Yoongi moves to the side of the bed and helps me up pulling me closer towards him. My head is now resting on Yoongi's chest and I can hear his slow and steady heartbeat and breathing which is quite soothing, in a way.

I couldn't go back to sleep no matter how much I tried and I guess Yoongi realised as well.

"Are you okay?" He asks looking down at me making direct eye contact.

"I can't get to sleep." I mutter quietly.

"Maybe this will help." I hear Yoongi whisper.

Confused about what he had said I look up but instantly feel his soft lips press against mine. For a moment I froze but I soon kissed back, deepening the kiss. I feel him smirk into the kiss as he moves away from me.

My face is completely red, my breathing is a little weird and inconsistent and my heart was a beating mess.

"Y-Yoongi" I whisper looking up slightly.

"Go to sleep now, if you don't sleep soon you'll give that cute face if yours wrinkles." Yoongi says in a soothing voice.

"Good night."

After that I may never get to sleep.

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