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Living is tiring
If you saw my percent battery it's on 13%
I'm close to being turned off
No one has taken the time to charge me
No one spared a moment to plug me in
Not that I let them
But no one asked
No one is concerned
If they were I wouldn't be writing this
Do you forget I'm human?
Do you forget there's a person behind this
This mask of the Internet
The mask on my features
I can be happy all I want
But I always return to this place
This dark room
With light hinting from under the door
Teasing me with what it could be like
How I would feel if I just left
But sometimes I'm locked in
And I have to pretend everything fine
Smile at people through the glass wall
Watch people live their happy lives
Or what seems to be
I'm not sure of anything anymore
I don't understand
I use to have confidence
But as I gained, I lost
Gained weight, lost confidence
Gained friends, lost security
Gained hurt, lost filters
Lost the motivation
For everything but living
For I know I would affect those around me
Those who show sparks of care
I see them and cherish those
Into small flames that I harvest into my soul
Keep forever in my mind
That's why I'm still here
To help people because that's my purpose
To help as many people as I can
Whether it poetry, a hug, a smile, or a hello
And especially to listen
And to give advice
That's my mission
But if I don't get recharged then I will shut off
I will have to be plugged in for awhile
To regain where I'm supposed to be
I hope I get charged soon

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