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I miss her ya know.
My best friend
It's been almost 2 months
I'm dying from loss
I miss her so much my heart hurts
When I talk to her, when I see her picture
Anything. Everything hurts
I hope she doesn't forget me
I will hold on like a boa around prey
I need her dearly to survive
We don't talk everyday
We never have
But that's not us
When we see something
It may remind us of each other
We message each other then
The picture, joke, etc.
And that occurs almost daily
But never full on conversations daily
That's why I love her
Becuase we don't need to talk daily
That's not a priority
It's just us being us around each other
No one else matters
Except for him
He holds her heart
But that story is for another time
But I'm not mad because she loves him
I'm mad because she's forgets me
When she's with him she forgets me
But when he fucks up she remembers
Because she knows I love her
But we have the same taste in men
Which is why I don't blame her
He looks amazing.
That's where his amazing stops
But she loves him and that's that
If she didn't I would be upset
But I'm not because I can't
Blind love is powerful
No mater how much he fucks up
She need him
Because we both have problems
Problems with love
We latch onto anything that loves her
Even if it's a front and they don't
If she believes it she latches
But it's okay because I do the same
And she puts up with me
And for that I love her

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