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It holds things together
Do you ever sit back think about that
The clothes you wear are stitched
Something made these
Someone crafted this out of raw materials
Put time into
No matter if it was 30 second or 30 minutes
Someone made that.
You walked into a store
You saw it, you fell in love with it
You paid money for it and walked out
Later you realize that you don't like it
This thing you loved has become ugly
Worthless to you but to someone else
To someone else that could mean hope
You could change someone's life
The same way it changed your life
At one point you made the decision to wear it
No matter if you hated it later you loved it
Then after you threw it away
Someone else picked it up and loved it
A cycle of love that will ever end
Someone will eventually be sad that it's worn
Someone will cry because that was theirs
And now it is filled with holes and patchy
Try and realize your effect on your daily actions
Your words plant seeds in others head
Whether good or bad
Those seeds can cause worry, stress, sadness,
The list goes on.
So be careful what you say.
Be careful what you feel.
Be careful what you say, do, or think
And watch how the seed grows
Into something beautiful or ugly
You could make someone's day from a hug
All it could take is a smile or wave
So instead of a cold expression
Wear a content smile to ease others
If you are worried find someone to talk with
Online or in front of you
But be careful of online and in person
The amount of manipulative people is insane
Never ever believe what you hear
But always believe someone when they tell you who they are
They will never disappoint in what they say.

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