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The unforgiving backhand of the sun
It's alter ego per say
That shows itself anytime it wants
Sometimes only at night
Sometimes during the day as well
And sometimes never
But I say it's cruel
Only because it shows the horrors
The ones that occur at night
Ones no one should see
Ones that should never occur
Why? you ask yourself
What could he possibly mean
Well the horrors of rape
Well those occur during the day
But they are private at night
No one can see you but you.
Because that's when you show yourself
The worrying, insecure, overdramatic beast
That is you.
Everyone worried but you.
You scare yourself into nightmares
Cold sweats and terrors
Things that you keep to yourself
Because you know you're crazy.
You know you are.
but you're not
You're merely... A statistic
Ones that combined with others
Makes you minuscule. Unimportant even
And that scares you worse.
That you're not the most important
That you're not unique.
That you're anything but special
Because that's what everyone told you
You're a special little kid
But they're wrong.
No one is different.
No matter how much you're told. You're not.
You can be classified as anything
White, Hispanic, Black, Asian,
Gay, straight, bi, pan.
You're a statistic that you can't escape
But don't fear it. Because that makes you, you
The Over privileged white, straight male
The under privileged black, gay female.
Both of you are unimportant
But activists say you are
Other WSM say you are
Because you're "forgotten" for minorities
Which is so sickening to you.
To think that you and your friends are not the most important people in the world.
Sorry but time has passed and you are no longer powerful like you used to be.
You have racism on your side. And sexism.
But what you don't is the overwhelming binding control on those you have oppressed for centuries. And you're scared for that.
Because you're becoming unimportant for the first time in your life. But it's okay. You're still a statistic. And your crimes are still shown.
Although not always persecuted
You still have to answer to the moon.
And you better believe the moon is fair.
Because it sees the crimes
And it is not on your side anymore.
So wake up and try harder.

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