Chapter Eighteen: Day Off

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" Jackie doesn't flinch when I curse, she just looks at me and nods.

"I'm fine, it's just Harry-"

"You're not fine if you're fighting to hold back tears"

"I don't know what I feel really, I want to be mad and sad and relieved all at once but I can't" I let out the words I've been holding back since Friday night.

Since I found out Harry and I weren't related, since Harry yelled at me and told me I ruined everything for him and since I kissed Louis all in one night.

I haven't talked to either of them since Friday, I spent the weekend hidden away in my room avoiding everyone including my mom. I haven't told her about Harry but then again it's not like she's been around much. Her work has been overwhelming for her with all the traveling she's been having to do lately, she doesn't need my drama in her life.

"Let's go" Jackie says abruptly standing up.

I look up at her confused

"The bell hasn't rang?"

"I meant lets go somewhere, outside of school" She slings her purse over her shoulder and pushed her chair in.

"It's Monday and I've already missed two days in a row last week" I shake my head at the thought of ditching school with Jackie when the first bell hasn't rang yet. A devious smile already forming

"You need this" She holds out her hand a smile tugging at the corner of her lips, dimples already appearing.

"Fine, but it better not be shopping" I groan taking her hand

"Alexandra Jane you are the most unextraordinary person I've ever met" She smiles rolling her eyes leading me out the back exit towards the parking lot.

Harry's POV

I have to get up. I must get up. I have to get up to go pee.

I sit up on the bed I've gotten a little to comfortable in and pull the handle bars of the wheel chair I've named Roger.

After my little incident Friday my mom has refused to leave the room. Not like her scrawny body would do much of a difference or anything. She's curled up in the couch her head resting on her hand. She's sound asleep.

She came in and when she saw me on the ground she started to cry saying she was sorry for leaving me and that it was her fault. I tried to tell her it was fine and that I was okay but the bruises on my elbows and knees didn't help my persuading. I hated seeing her cry over me, cry over something as stupid as falling. When you're little you fall when you're learning to walk, they just laugh and tell you to get back up and try again. I guess she was crying because this time I had fallen and I couldn't get back up.

But thankfully since then a nurse has taught me how to get off and on the chair without almost dying.

So that's fantastic.

The doctor also saw that by me almost dying, and forcing my body out of my bed after the trauma it went through last Thursday, he said that I'm already showing improvement. Which is weird because all I've done is sit on my ass for the past four days. He decided to let me go home today, I don't know if it's because I really am getting better or if it's because he's tired of my sarcastic remarks every time he asks "How are you feeling today Harold" in his fake concerned tone.

I place my body so I'm sitting at the edge of the bed and slowly slide to the side into the chair. I begin to wheel towards the restroom. My arms have gotten better at pushing my weight too, I didn't know how heavy I was probably all that shit food the school serves.

I close the door behind me and dial the phone number I've come to memorize

Alex's POV

Jackie and I make it to my car before the bell, I unlock it and we slip in.

"So where are we going?" I say turning on the heater. The October breeze has already settled making me yearn for summer again.

"Wherever you want to go, this for you to distract yourself or let everything out so whatever you want to do" She says clicking her seat belt on

I turn the key in the ignition and pull out of the school lot, driving towards the first place that comes to mind

I turn on the radio as I drive and listen to Jackie go on about her relationship with Niall. They make a cute couple in my eyes, she feels happy and content when she's with him, she's never complained about anything that had to do with him and it makes me happy to know she's happy. I smile and nod even though my minds already roaming off somewhere else.

I take a left turn off the highway where speeding cars have already begun to create morning traffic we're close.


"Hm, yeah" I say a little embarrassed at the fact that I'm not listening

"I said so Harry told you he liked you?" She flips down the mirror in front of her and occupies herself with her lashes.

I feel my body tense at the mention of his name. A month ago, Harry's name came up in conversations and I would barely hear it and now at the sound of his name the hairs on the back of my neck stand up

"Yeah" I respond slowly. I take a final right and my heart beat picks up.

I stop at the stop sign at the intersection of the hospital and the sight before me causes me to snap my mouth shut instantly, forgetting to respond to Jackie

At the front of the hospital Harry is seated in his chair, a blanket draped over his legs and his sunglasses shielding his green eyes. His hair is hidden by his old gray beanie, only a few curls poke out at the sides. I don't worry about him seeing me because his head is turned to the left, a wide smile makes his dimples more profound than ever. He's looking at a man put his bags into a red car I've never seen before. I'm about to pull into the hospital parking lot when I see her. A girl with black hair tied into a bun and sunglasses matching Harry's steps out of the car. She hugs him tightly and they both smile. The man gestures to help him into the car and he nods. I watch as she gets into the driver seat and Harry is placed in the passenger seat. Both laughing and smiling like a real couple.

Only this time it's not with the blonde girl, Rosalyn. It's with another unknown girl I've never seen before. There's probably dozens more on his waiting list

"So do you like him back?" Jackie asks not looking away from the mirror

"No, I don't, I don't feel anything for him" I say turning left, driving as far away from the hospital as I can get

I LOVE YOU ALL! xx -Chipotle

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