Chapter Eighteen: Day Off

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As I walk into the familiar school building I take in the group of people that stand a few feet away from the office.

Rachel's hair is up and out of her face revealing her high cheekbones and the ear to ear smile she has on as she stares at Liam who is probably saying another one of his corny jokes.

The day after Harry stopped coming to school she introduced us to him as her boyfriend. That day I saw Jackie glance over at me as I gave her the same look she gave me. We both held that "Not surprised" look. Rachel sad she had known Liam for only two weeks but she already loved him. He was sweet, and extremely nice. He always wore plaid shirts, khaki pants or button up shirts, and jeans. Very preppy but he wasn't a underclassman, he was in our grade so I guess when Harry saw them making out he was wrong about that.

I don't hate Rachel for cheating on him, it wasn't her fault he was never really in love with her. She just fell for Harry the same way all the rest did, hard and fast.

My eyes scan past Rachel and go to Jackie who's listening to Liam intently. She's too polite to ignore him but I know she's subconsciously thinking about the blond boy next to her. She's wearing jeans and a baby blue T-shirt her hair, longer than I remembered, reaches the middle of her back in their natural waves. Nialls eyes are on her but she doesn't notice, he looks at her with such admiration, like she's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. Where Rachel would go all out to impress Liam, Niall looks at his T-shirt wearing girlfriend like she is beyond beauty.

I smile at the group that once was Harry and I's. I never minded being the "third wheel" in our group. It was always weird for me when Harry and Rachel were together and then Niall and Jackie were too, but I never once thought about how different things would be if I brought a boy into our group.

I dated Zayn for two weeks before he cheated on me with Perrie, but then again I didn't really like him all that much.

If Harry were here, would we be together? Would it be awkward for our friends if we were?

I shake my head to clear my thoughts, I have a huge headache and contemplating a life I will never have won't help.

I lower my head as I begin to walk, avoiding the ambush of questions I'm sure awaits.

I'm almost to the library doors when

"Hey Alex!"



I spin on my heel and wave, giving a fake smile. Everyone just stares at me while Jackie begins to walk towards me.

"Hey, where have you been? I haven't seen you in forever" She wraps her arms around me and squeezes.

I squeeze back answering her concerned form of affection

"Have you talked to Harry?" She asks opening the door for me

We walk into the quiet library and take a seat at a table in the far back. Our place where we usually go to talk.

"Um, yeah" I say placing my hands on the table in front of me.

"So when is he coming back?" she crosses her thin arms in front of her and places them on the table, her back is straight and her face is soft and full of concern. I'm glad she's still the only thing I know that hasn't changed since senior year started.

"I don't know, not for a while I think" I feel my throat tighten and I down, praying the tears don't come

"Why? What happened?" She places a hand on my intertwined ones

"He kind of told me he liked me and then got mad and took off for a month until four days ago when I followed him just to see that he was with some other girl but when I confronted him he got into and accident, and it was my fault. It's all my fucking fault" Tears are falling down my cheeks and I angrily wipe them away. I've always hated crying and letting others see me cry.

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