wonu at loss 1:2

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wonwoo look at his side when he felt his shoulder get heavy. mingyu now is leaning his head on his shoulders and one hand wrapped on his waist, while wooren is sitting on mingyu's lap. 

they're currently having their movie marathon. 

theyre father and son bonding 

his precious time with his son.

but why is mingyu here.

rewind  (hahaha)

its been almost a month since their travel to the island and their project is about to meet its completion.

wonwoo thought that this is chance to get away from mingyu.


mingyu really is persistent. he kept on bugging him either they're together or not

he can endure that.

but the worst thing happened, wooren became so close to mingyu.

wooren always demand his father to bring him to work so he can see mingyu

or to bring wooren on mingyu's office.

that irks his ego

but he always gives in to his son's demand.

wonwoo cant help it since his bestfriend known as wen junhui suddenly can't be seen and always not home.

what is he doing that guy he'll really get it once i see him

he smiled at the thought of him strangling junhui, he sometimes vent his frustrations at his bestfriend.

probably not the nicest thing to do with a bestfriend, but that bestfriend of him always get him to trouble.

he was too into thinking his evil plan that his face showed it.

"uhm, hyung. please stop smiling like that its scaring us" he looked at his brother


"did, we do something son?" his dad asked

"are you upset with something?" his mom while feeding  wooren


"ah no, i was just- nevermind lets just it haha ahaha" he awkwardly said

"dad, when will i see daddy mingyu?" his son said

"MINGYU?!!, who? that mingyu" his family shouted at once

"..." he kept quiet, his son was startled at the sudden loud voices. him keeping his silence when asked but dont want to tell the obvious answer is a bad habit. aand his family knpws it.

"why would my wooren meet that ass... punk" his dad getting a slap on the back  from his mom

"won son, are you meeting mingyu again?"  his mom

"hyung please aavoid him, hyung i you know what he did to you right ?/ hyung i dont want you to get hurt so please avoid him" 


"wonwoo jeon, why would MY wooren meet Mingyu?"


"daddy mingyu is courting dad" and that's it, the trigger has been pulled.

"wooren" he called for his son and signed to keep quiet.

"what? courting??? and why is wooren calling him daddy?"

"dont tell me"

"son, you know"

he rolled his eyes, now the cats out, he needs to tell his family.

so he explained everything to them

timeskip slight

"son honestly i dont know what to say" his mom

"wonwoo, do what you want, if you already forgiven him we understand  since its you" his dad " but if he does anything to hurt you this time i wont keep quiet.

"hyung, if he is courting you, shouldn't he show that he'll do everything?"

"well he said that though"

"then hyung" bohyuk smiled, his eyes twinkled. "he should be meeting us, i mean dad and mon. the FAMILY"

"you" wonwoo said

"ofcourse" his dad " i know his dad, mr kim. tell him i want to meet him and his family.

"dad thats--"

"that is final!!!" his mom, dad and even his brother said then left him at their dining table

he really feel so defeated.

sigh, his son really is mischievous sometimes

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