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no ones pov

its been a month since wonwoo and mingyu's  travel to the island, ever since then mingyu started his so called courting. 

mingyu never failed to send wonwoo flowers and every time they meet mingyu always act gentlemanly and protective. 

mingyu really exerts so much effort in his courting. 

he always ask if he can pick up and send wonwoo home everyday without a fail but the latter always declines mingyu.

he sends flowers to wonwoo every day and always ask wonwoo out for a date but always fails

mingyu always follows wonwoo whenever he has time and that is what wonwoo hated during the past month, 

he doesnt want someone to  bother him everytime, especially if that is someone whom he hates , wonwoo's starting to feel suffocated by mingyu's presence. everyday his phone is ringing and he always receive messages from mingyu everyday but he doesnt even bother replying.

wonwoo never failed to tell mingyu that he's only wasting  time and he won't have get anything in return.

wonwoo knows that what hes doing is rude and sometimes he also pity mingyu because he always declined. and he wanted to stop feeling guilty and thats why he decide to accept mingyus lunch offer today.

mingyu's pov

i smiled internally, at last wonwoo accepted my invitation after countless failure.

i really wanted to bring wonwoo to a nice and expensive restaurant but he declined and said that he wanted to go at a nearby place  

im really nervous right now because im with wonwoo and i dont want to do something he doesnt like.

"ahmm, thank youfor accepting my invitation" i attempted to start a conversation

wonwoo just look at me and seems like he wants to say something but he's hesitant so i felt more nervous.  he was about to open hes mouth but the waiter came to get our order.

while waiting i remained silent since i was scared to ask wonwoo again and dont want to know what why he accepted my invitation since  have a bad feeling about it.

i just stared at him.

wonwoo pov

i sighed when the waiter came to get our order, i was about to tell mingyu why i accepted his offer but now, he remained silent and is literally staring at me. 

now, i don't now how to break it to him, i really don't want to be so upfront and tell him to stop then just leave that would be to rude and disrespectful.  

i was in deep thought when suddenly my phone buzz, i look at the caller id and it was jun. i smiled seeing my best friends  name on my phone and its been a while since i last talked to him since  was so busy this past months.

yes hello - wonwoo

[hey won, finally you answered] jun

sorry i was too busy and i forgot about my phone, oh why did you call by the way? - wonwoo

[well, nothing much. i was just wondering why did you not bother calling me the past month and whats keeping you so busy that you forgot about us] jun

oh sorry i was really, im i was just too busy with the project the past month since our crazy boss demands so much - wonwoo

[hahahaha, i feel you, i know that since i too am a victim of our boss craziness] - jun

jun - wonwoo

[yes] - jun

how's my son doing - wonwoo

[oh he's doing good and oh its their school break] - jun

 i really miss him - wonwoo sighed how can he forgot to call his son this past month he really feels guilty 

[that a deep sigh you got there, haha] - jun said hearing his bestfreinds deep sigh he knows his freind didnt mean to forget about his child, and he knows wonwoo is starting to think negative thoughts

.... - wonwoo

[won, dont think too much. i already explained to him your situation and im sure he understand] - jun

i know, its just that i miss him so much and i feel so guilty i don't get to be with him that much. i mean what kind of father i am forgetting about my child. and im just afraid he might hate me for that - wonwoo starts to feel his eyes heat up and is about to cry.

[yah jeon wonwoo, dont think about that your son wont hate, i already told you right he understand and he misses you to] - jun

[you know what nevermind your negative thought ] - jun

thanks jun, for being with my son - wonwoo said he really is thankful to jun for taking care of his child

[yes, and oh your behind giving me my paycheck. haha joke you he's like my child to and you know i love you won] -jun

yeah i love you too - wonwoo

[oh bye the way where are you] - jun

ah im at cafehealing, about to get lunch - wonwoo,

[ok bye, won] - jun

after jun hanged up, wonwoo just realized he answered the phone call in front of mingyu and he totally forgot about that.

he looked at the man infront of him wearing a confused face

"you have a son??"  - mingyu 

note: the pic is not mine, credits to the owner

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note: the pic is not mine, credits to the owner


when will i get to meet wonwoo

its a pity i cant go and watch there concert here

because i didnt get to buy the ticket and i dont have to money to buy it yet.

hope next year !!!

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