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wonwoo pov 

i sighed, when i woke up my son was not beside me

i let out a sigh again, honestly wooren just spent a few days with mingyu and now theyre inseparable

i look at the clock, and its already 10 am, i washed my face then went out of my room.

i called out for my son but no one answered. then the door of the suite opened suddenly revealing mingyu carrying my son.

"goodmowning daddy" wooren said 

i stared at them, why are they so happy? why are they so close? 

"where did you go baby? why did you not tell daddy and you did not get permission" i calmly said

"we went to buy uhmmm ...." i waited fro my son to finish his statement (haha so formal) then he looked at mingyu, huh?

"we went to market, and we bought some food and groceries since wooren was hungry" mingyu explained " right baby" then raised his hand

"wight daddy gyu" wooren gave mingyu a high five. then they both giggled huh? huh? huh? what did he just call mingyu

"daddy?" i shouted that one so loud

"why are you calling him daddy?" 

"why not?" i glared at mingyu. 

"why not?!!! and mingyu why did you take my son out without getting my permission" honestly im getting angry 

"wait woo, calm down okay" migyu said "i'm sorry. its just that you were sound asleep so i did not want to bother you, you know since  you were so busy these past few days here because of the restaurant and all. i did not mean any harm"

"daddy why are fighting with daddy gyu?

"its uncle mingyu, wooren" i said

"look mingyu, it's not because you and my son got close you can just do anything. wooren come here" mingyu let wooren down, but instead of coming to me wooren ran of to mingyu's room

"wait wooren come here"


"wooren daddy is sorry okay" i knock at the door but still no response

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