Chapter 1-Big News

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Victoria's POV:

Two years later...

"We're moving?" I asked astonished. 

"Yes, isn't that what I just said?" My dad asked, dumbfounded as to why I wouldn't comprehend the words he was trying to tell me. 

"I don't know! My brain isn't functioning anymore! I've been too stressed out with school, 'cause you know, it's the end of my junnior year. I'm gonna be a senior in high school next year. Ring a bell?" I tried to explain to my dad that we couldn't be moving for my senior year. It was just ridiculous. Shouldn't I be able to graduate with my friends and not some people that I've only known for a year? 

"Well I think this would be good for you, plus you would know at least one other person at this school," my dad said matter of factly. 

"How would you know who I would and would not know?" I asked, still not comprehending as to what he was getting at. 

But instead of giving me an answer like a normal person would, he just continued to stare at me, as if to tell me to guess. 

Then it dawned on me. He still hadn't told me where we were moving to. 

"Dad, where are we going? Out of curiosity. 'Cause I think that's an important detail when telling someone they're moving. Don't you think?" I said with as much sweetness that I could find, but ended up coming out way too sarcastic. 

"Oh, did I forget to mention that? Sorry, my brain hasn't been 'functioning' due to the amount of stress of having to raise a teenage girl with an attitude and working a high demand job all on my own," he replied with the same amount of sarcasm as I used and is giving me the you-better-watch-your-mouth-or-I'll-take-away-your-door look. And yes, he has actually taken my door away from me before. It was awful. 

"Sorry, I will try to lessen the attitude. But seriously, where are we going?"

"Manila, in the Philippines," he stated. 

I felt my eyes widen to the size of tennis balls as a mixture of feelings coursed through my brain, and body. Shock, insanity, confusion, sadness, and happiness...wait what? Why do I feel happy?

Wait, that's because Hunter's there. Am I going to go to the same school as him? What about where I'm going to live? There can't be that be that many places to live can there? Wait, yes there can. It's a capitol of a country. Duh. 

How am I going to tell my friends? How am I going to tell Hunter? What will happen when I see him again?We still kept in touch. I saw him once a couple of summers ago, but he was visiting and it was really short. But that was nothing compared to spending a lot of time with him, perhaps even go back to the way things used to be, just without me crushing on him. I was over my feelings for him. I had a boyfriend of about a year now. Things were going well. Ah! How am I going to tell my boyfriend?!

I'll have to break up with him. It's a hard enough to have a relaitonship with him in college, yeah he's a freshmen in a college about 2 hours away from where I live, but to be on the otherside of the world. That can't happen. That can't even work on any universe. Crap. Why does my life have to be so complicated? 


The next day...

"We need to talk." Okay, that probably wasn't the best way to start a break up date, but I needed to get this over with as soon as possible. 

"Alright...about....?" My soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend, Doug, asked me, completely offguarded by my abruptness. 

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