Two | Will Herondale

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Word count: 1015

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Word count: 1015

"So, why did you move here—of all places?"  Will asked, his blue eyes staring straight into Tessa's grey ones, and somehow, she felt them staring into her soul as well but she then shook that feeling off.

"Actually, it's because of my brother, Nate," Tessa said, biting her bottom lip, "He's here, working and my Aunt Harriet decided that I was old enough to come here without her as Nate wanted me to come here, but I'm living with a foster family, or rather, two sisters are fostering me and apparently Nate was the one who arranged it."

"And this foster 'family' they treat you well?" Will asked, the playful smile formed on his lips then disappeared.

"No, not exactly," Tessa sighed, unsure of whether or not she should tell the person she met an hour ago about her family situation as the Dark sisters,  the people fostering her, had warned her against doing so.

Will sighed muttering, "I can tell that that's a sensitive topic...let's just get to the cafeteria."

At the cafeteria, during lunch

"Tessa...what were you doing with Will?" Clary had asked as soon as she had noticed the duo walking towards the table she was sharing with her other friends, not able to hide the smirk at Tessa that was causing her to have a slight tint on her cheeks.

It was Will who spoke up, surprisingly. "She saw me in the teacher's lounge. I dropped a book that I was taking back and before we could've gotten out, we got caught. And now, we both have detention for three days in a row for two hours," he said, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Yeah," Tessa nodded her head, saying, "And you haven't answered my three questions."

"You really pay attention, don't you? Can't forget all the burning questions you have about me? It's fine, you can ask away in detention," Will winked. Tessa felt her heart flutter slightly, but she didn't give off any facial expression which would reveal her feelings towards him. Instead, all she did was to shake her head and say, "Arrogant boy," with a sigh, earning a smirk and a chuckle from Will.

Sooner rather than later, the bell rang, signalling the continuation of lessons that were just a bore for all the students, except maybe Tessa. "You seem really excited for literature class," Tessa heard Clary laugh while walking beside her. "I just adore, wait scratch that, love, wait no, adore and love the classics! Charles Dickens, Shakespear and oh, there's too many to even list out!" Tessa started to ramble, catching the attention of Will, who coincidentally was having the same class as her, while Clary was on her way to Biology, which was nearby the class they were going to have Literature in.

"It's nice to finally have someone who loves classic literature. You have no absolute idea how I've been waiting for someone like you," Will had muttered, giving Tessa a crooked grin.

"Someone like her, huh?" Clary smirked widely at Will, mentally shipping the duo together, and already secretly planning out their future wedding in her mind.

"What are you thinking of?" Tessa asked, glancing towards Clary and taking in her expression, she was definitely planning something. Something that involved her, and potentially Will.

"Oh nothing...nothing that big anyway," Clary muttered, wiping away the smirk that was playing on her lips.

"Sure," Tessa said sarcastically, rolling her eyes as they entered the classroom and Clary proceeded on to hers.

When they entered, a girl came up to Will and started flirting, showing no signs of even trying to be subtle about it.

The girl was shamelessly twirling her hair as she had bent slightly forward to look at Will and to talk to him whilst he ignored her and went to take his seat. Awkwardly, Tessa followed him, racking her mind to find something to talk about, all while noticing the shameless girl who was wearing a shirt with a low cut.

Will continued ignoring the girl, before he lost it and said, "Tatiana, could you please go back to your seat? I'm trying to have a conversation with Tessa," pointing towards the brunette who stood by and waved, a slight blush visible on her pale cheeks.

Letting out a loud "hmph" and mutttering the word "bitch" under her breath, Tatiana  walked back to her desk, leaving the two of them alone once again.

"Sorry for that. Tatiana has a...character, to put it simply," Will explained with a shrug and motioned for Tessa to take the empty seat beside his.

Not even giving Tessa time to say anything else, the teacher walked in. "Good afternoon, class, please get back to your seats before we start the lesson—and oh, before I forget, we have a new student. Can Tessa Gray, wherever you are, stand up and introduce yourself, please?" the teacher bellowed.

Begrudgingly, Tessa got up from her seat, saying, "Hi, I'm Tessa, I'm from New York and it's nice to see you all," before quickly sitting back down, embarrassed at how she sounded. Will couldn't help but let a low chuckle escape from his mouth, clearly very entertained by Tessa's reactions.

"I'm Mrs Lovelace, and you can sit over there," the teacher said, pointing to the seat right across the room, seeming like as if she wasn't the least bit fond of Will.

What had she gotten into? Was Will really that bad of a person to be around? Many thoughts swarmed Tessa's mind, as she wasn't really paying attention to the class, since she had already known whatever the teacher was going on and on about.

What if they were all wrong? He could have a good heart under whatever the teachers or maybe even some students term him as, right? Tessa was so confused as to what to think and how she should be, but she pushed all those thoughts aside as she saw Will walk up to her table, she wondered what for as she wasn't exactly paying attention in class...

What if they were all wrong? He could have a good heart under whatever the teachers or maybe even some students term him as, right? Tessa was so confused as to what to think and how she should be, but she pushed all those thoughts aside as she saw...

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so, i left y'all in a cliffhanger...oops? 😂



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