Alluring In Blood -18

Start from the beginning

      Devin shook his head slowly, looking elated at my newfound information. “She’s been playing you a fool for so long. Doesn’t it make you mad, being lied to for all those years?” I nodded, absentmindedly. “Work with me and you’ll have your revenge on The Heavens and their angels.”

      Clarisse is an angel, a Guardian Angel to be exact. I should have known something was up with her acceptance to the supernatural world so easily; any other human wouldn’t keep a vampire. “But…She said she found me as a toddler.” I said desperately, wanting to know every little detail of my life.

      “We’ll let you figure out your history with Clarisse herself.” Devin said cheerfully. I twisted uncomfortably at the pacing levels of the waters that were at my shoulder blades now. “Now are you with me?” I shook my head, hoping the water would somehow sedate me unconscious before this continues.

       Dakota, Ashton, Sabina, Katrina, Quinn, Drew, Clarisse, Eilith, Vienna and Landon screams continued endlessly, each one getting louder as I stared down Devin.

       Devin’s true form flashed as his anger heightened. I choked and looked away before the image imprinted itself on my mind forever. “Let’s have fun, with Landon now.” I looked up, skillfully avoiding Devin incase he flashed back. I didn’t have to avoid him, my full gaze was trained on Landon. Gagged and bound to an identical leather chair Julian had in his office.

      “But—“ I started struggling, the protectiveness I felt for him coming out. It was another flaw of mines, the act of protection to the weaker. Clarisse and Landon are the two that had a grip on my heart due to their naivety to the world. Only know, discovering each one of them held a large secret from me, proved I was the naïve one.

      “The water you fell in was a part of Hell. It showcases your worst fears constantly.” Devin explained impatiently, he snapped his fingers and Landon’s form came alive. “Now Landon, have something to tell my daughter here?”

      Landon looked at me with wide eyes that held stubbornness only and shook his head slowly still looking at me, sending two clear messages to Devin and me. He winced in pain as Devin hands went sideways to indulge torture. Torn at what I should do, I weighed the options carefully, the water slightly jarring me on the edge, reaching my chin now.

       A small part of me didn’t want to believe Landon held a secret from me as Clarisse did. I’ve only known him for such a short time but it would leave me more heartbroken than Clarisse’s story. I noticed Julian shift uncomfortably at the corner of my eye and give a sign of some sort, except it made no sense. Not to me anyway.

     “This mate of yours is a supernatural, a powerful one too.” Devin said smugly, I looked at Devin finally understanding him. He’s doing everything break me to rebuild me himself to control. “Would you like to tell her your powers?”

      I threw myself on the glass, Devin looked startled by my sudden animosity. Good thing too. I watched gleefully as the dead body launches itself against Devin throwing him on the wall, stunning him cold for only a mere second. I ordered the body to attack more, looking for time to figure out a plan.

      Julian took a step back, and I looked at him with a grin. I yanked my eyes shut, taking my last breathe underwater. Landon screamed against his muffles as he watched my body sink but I paid him no attention and tuned him out needing silence to focus.

      I opened my eyes, watching my body float eerily. I looked down at the red cloak, feeling the burly muscles ripple in my back in each movement. Grinning at my success, I quickly untied Landon. “Free Audrey and run anywhere till she comes conscious again.” I ordered, instinctly deepening the already deep voice. Julian struggled against my possession by sending startling memories of Sophia.

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