Chapter 16: Katniss and Peeta

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Katniss POV


Crying, I handed peaches to Christina. The deal was that we would hunt Marcus down, kill him and then take my kids and move here. Me and Peeta fell in love with this place and we want to move here.

If we live.

Marcus is going to be hard to kill, it's going to take a lot of planning and strategy.

Tobias, Tris, Peeta, and I were to go to the Capitol and hunt him down as best we can.

Yeah we were gonna do more planning......

Hopping, correction, jumping on the train we set off to District 12.

"Wait till you see our home." I told Tris and Tobias knowing that try probably would've never seen anything like it. Our house was magnificent compared to theirs because we lived in Victors Village.

Everyone else however, lived in tiny shacks that were so small you could fit ten in our house.

Their house was somewhere between the two. It wasn't huge but it wasn't small either, and it wasn't formal and nice, but it wasn't a dump.

As the train started, I sat down putting my face in my hands, praying to god that me and Peeta will survive this and start a new life.



I don't know how we are going to kill Marcus. I mean I know we are going to go to the Capitol, fight our way through, and shoot him, but I just don't know how we are going to get in, and what our strategy.

Looking out the door, I watched the city me and Katniss came to love, get smaller and smaller until it was nothing but a tiny speck in the distance.

Noticing Katniss, I rubbed her back and whispered, "It's okay. we are going to survive this. Tris and Tobias know what they are doing."

Looking at Tris and Tobias I noticed new things about them.

How Tobias had a tattoo peeking out but his neck and how muscular he was. Damn, the guy must spend his life working out. No wonder why it hurt so bad when he punched me.

And how Tris's tattoo, of three birds look like they took flight to her heart. Did she do that on purpose? Looking away I turn back to my worried wife.

Yup, they definitely know what they are doing.

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