cardiac arrest | bts

Start from the beginning

yoongi stood up and sat next to jimin, grabbing jimin's hand and intertwining their fingers together, surprisingly he felt a little movement

suddenly jimin's smol fingers slowly, very slowly, squeezed yoongi's fingers and went back to emotionlessness

yes baby, come on, come out, you can do this chim, you're my bravest boy of all time, snap out of it love

they waited there for what felt like years but was actually another twenty minutes. cardiac arrest was something that definitely was not supposed to happen at the moment

yoongi felt how the atmosphere was thick with worry and sorrow, and anxiety, anxiety about the fact that doctor will come out of that room and say, "we're sorry..."

that would be it, yoongi realized, after those words jimin's world will scramble down

c'mon kook, you can do this! be strong, little bunny... don't give up!

yoongi could feel the tenseness all over taehyung. inside, outside, and all around him

he was fidgeting, pacing back and forth and his lips were moving, as if speaking but not saying anything out loud

jin was in the same condition but slightly better one. he held more authority, he just paced back and forth

"taehyung" yoongi uttered and younger boy's head whipped to the side, almost snapping his neck in half, to listen

"don't worry" yoongi knew damn well these words won't do shit for smaller male but he had to try

taehyung smiled, very little, lifeless, smile and continued pacing back and forth

"is anyone else coming?" yoongi asked, his voice just above the whisper

"namjoon and hoseok are on their way. i don't know if i should tell exo" jin said and his voice sounded tired, like someone just beat the whole will to live out of him

"tell them" they heard a small voice and looked over, jimin

his face didn't change expression, his limbs didn't move, he was still blinking at the rate of five times per minute

his mouth just opened and closed to say those two words and it pained yoongi. his jimin was vulnerable, jimin was weak, jimin needed shield. yoongi was his shield

"i-i'll be right back" jin said as he pulled out his phone and walked to another corner aimlessly

"hello!" baek's cheerful voice rang in jin's ear and he almost smiled

"b-baek" jin whimpered and he could hear shuffling on the other side

"i don't like how that sounds. what's wrong?!" baekhyun rushed, his voice changing from cheerful to terrified

"i-its jungkook" jin whimpered again, not able to hold back and he heard few gasps

"you're on speaker so everyone can hear, what ha-happened to jungkook? wait, is taehyung all right?!" baek sounded like scared eomma

"what happened to kookie?" suho's voice boomed and jin tried to not be too loud about his crying

"h-he had card-cardiac arrest a-and j-ji-jimin found him, it's a mess, please come!" jin begged, few tears falling from his eyes

"luhan, grab the goddamn car keys while i'm changing" jin heard sehun shout and baek told him, rushed "we will change and come as soon as possible" baek hung up and turned to the rest of exo, who were staring at him in fear

"dress up at the speed of light and let's go!" baekhyun shouted and chanyeol grabbed his wrist while dragging him to the other room to change

they changed in less than two minutes and were in the car in the second one

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