Chapter 24

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Hey everyone!

I wanted to thank you all for commenting and voting on my story so far! 

As for the last chapter, I forgot to clarify that I wrote that speech all by myself, the only thing I copied off somewhere else were the statistics (I didn't want to make them up). But I'm really glad you all liked it.

And I want to apologize before hand for any mistakes in this chapter. (exlanation will be after the chapter).

Love you all!


*Niall’s P.O.V.*

The sun was hidden behind gray clouds and the wind picked up the fallen leaves as I was walking down the street, retracing the familiar steps that led me to the park that I had visited so many times before. I sat down on the bench, closing my eyes gently, letting the peace and quiet sink in. I felt my body relax into the backboard of the bench as I sighed blissfully. I felt a small hand rest on my shoulder, making my eyes shoot open. Just by the perfume, I immediately knew who it was. That soft vanilla scent drove me crazy everytime I smelt it. A large smile creeped up on my lips as I turned around to look into those breathtaking green eyes. A smile was upon her perfect lips, revealing her straight, pearly white teeth.

“Hannah!” I exclaimed gleefully while standing up and pulling her into my chest, never wanting to let her go. “I missed you so much” I mumbled, my lips pressed into her silky black hair.

“We saw each other a week ago Nialler…” she giggled. That voice… that voice made my knees go weak and her laugh was music to my ears. I moved my hands to settle gently on her slim waist as I rested my forehead on hers softly.

“I know… but every second I’m away from  you feels like eternity.” I breathed out dramatically. Her pale cheeks flushed in a rosey pink colour that complimented her features nicely. She slapped my chest softly whilst looking down, trying to hide her blush.

“Stop being so corny you dummy.”

I chuckled and unwrapped my arms from around her waist, instead, taking one of her hands in my own. A shiver went up my spine as our hands made contact and I couldn’t keep the large grin off my face. “Walk with me?” I asked hopefully. She giggled again and we began walking along the small path that lead through the tall trees that filled the park with its fallen leaves.  

“So… did you speak to Louis yet?” she asked, her green eyes looking up to my face, roaming it in search of some emotion. I frowned and sighed.

“No… I… I feel like I should be the one apologizing. I just” I sighed heavily again before continuing. “He didn’t realize he was acting that way towards me… and I know the huge effort he’s trying to make to change and-“ She cut me off by pressing her index finger gently on my lips.

“Honey… he needed a reality check okay? And that’s exactly what you gave to him. It’ll be good, I promise. He already started to realize the things he’s been doing to you… and the speech he’s giving today is already a huge advance okay? You did the right thing… you don’t have to apologize for expressing your feelings and standing up for yourself.” She smiled, removing her finger from my lips, replacing it with hers. I relaxed into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her petite waiste again, pulling our bodies closer. A sudden bright light flickered behind my eye lids and she pulled out of my grasp instantly. I opened my eyes to see hers widened as she stared frantically towards a bush where I could perfectly see a man with a camera “hiding” behind it. I gently grabbed her chin, making her look at me as I smiled brightly, not bothered by the paparazzi at all.

Kiss Me. A Lilo Story.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें