Chapter 23

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I can't apologize enough for taking so long to upload this chapter. A lot of things have been going on since the last time I uploaded, I've been really busy. But I truly am sorry!!

Hope you enjoy it!

I tossed and turned in my bed that night, anxiety and terror getting the best of me. Different scenarios flew across my mind, the worse ones impregnating into my brain. What if I forgot what I was going to say? What if I make a fool out of myself and everyone takes this as a joke? Giving up on sleep, I made my way to the kitchen and made myself some tea with a sandwich. Even the food looked scary, almost as if it would suddenly come to life and trample me to death for stating my opinion.

I was currently standing backstage, flipping my note cards in my hands nervously. A man, no older than 25 years old, made his way up to me. He handed me a water bottle and patted my back.

“Don’t stress it Mr. Tomlinson. You’re going to do great… and thank you for what you’re doing…” he smiled and ushered me on stage where I stood in front of the microphone. I drew in a shaky breath, nervously glancing at the large audience that had just quieted down. I looked down at my note cards and then back at the audience. Building up the courage, I began.

 “Most people don’t realize how big of a problem this is. Bullying is so common in our lives now that we don’t even realize it. We take it as something normal when it’s not. Adults often say “They’re kids, they’ll get over it” or things like “it builds character and makes you stronger” when, in reality, it breaks us…

Why should people succumb to bullies? Why do we have to let them hurt us physically and emotionally? Is it because we’re different? Because we’re not normal? What is normal anyways?

According to recent studies and statistics, 15 percent of all students that don’t show up for school report it to being out of fear of being bullied while at school. 10 percent of these kids usually feel like their only way to stop the bullying is to move to a different school where they can have a clean slate. But why should these kids have to be the ones changing when bullies are roaming freely through the world.

The harrasment doesn’t end when one gets off the bus and gets home. Cyberbullying is becoming more and more frequent. Teenagers hide behind a screen, feeling like they can do whatever they like at anyone’s expense. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I’ve felt how much it burns not only me but my significant others. How many of you, here today, has expierenced some type of bullying.”

I took a pause to look out at the audience and my heart ached as I saw that nearly ¾ of the audience had hesitantly raised their hands.

“And how many of you thought, at least once throughout your lives, that you weren’t good enough?”

Almost the same amount of hands were raised. How didn’t I realize how big of a problem this was earlier on?

“Telling someone they’re fat doesn’t make you any skinnier. Telling someone they’re dumb doesn’t make you any smarter. And telling someone to die definitely doesn’t make you any better. We have to stand up to those who believe they can run over us and do what they want with us. We are people, just like them. No matter if you have different religious beliefs, if you’re gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgendered. If you like reading and studying instead of going out to party every day. We are all different and that’s what makes life exciting, that’s what makes each and every one of us unique.

As you all may know, I am currently dating my band mate, Liam Payne. I can’t begin to describe the amount of harrasment we’ve been getting, over the internet, while walking down the street. People just can’t understand why we’re together when we are the same gender but Love is Love. Why must we all be labeled for having more interest in one gender than the other. We’re still people just like everyone else in the world.

All these labels and pressure that all victims of bullying have been put under by society, can lead to worse things. Most bully victims have fallen into a deep depression. Their self esteem begins to fall, they feel worthless, hopeless, even guilty. They begin to believe that they deserve each and every beating or harsh word tossed at them. They begin to withdraw from public to avoid more pain. They begin to believe the world would be better without them. They start starving themselves in order to be skinnier to fit into society, or they begin to self-harm, feeling it’s the only way they can release the pain they’ve been building up inside when it’s not the way.”

I paused to take a deep breath, forgetting about my note cards, speaking with my mind and my heart.

“I have recently learned that two people, very very dear to me, have self-harmed themselves because people would discriminate them or bully them for being different. Self-harm is not something to take lightly. This can lead to suicide. 14 percent of highschool students have thought about commiting suicide, half of these attempting it and succeeding.

Bulimia and anorexia is also becoming more frequent amongst teenagers all over the world. Telling someone they’re fat can be the final straw for someone. So please, I’m begging you to be careful with the words that you say to someone else. I hope people, that have been considered bullies, are watching this right now and you realize how much pain you’ve inflicted on some people.

And to the people who have been victims of bullying and have fallen into a deep depression.”

I paused, looking straight into the broadcast camera.

“You can get better. You can get through this. I promise you that things will get better. There are loads of places you can go to to get help. Don’t hesitate in standing up for what you believe in.”

I smiled genuinly, turning back to the audience.

“Thank you all for being here today and listening. If we unite, we can stop the increasing level of bullying. We can help our generation get better and stop having eating dissorders and self-harming.”

I collected my note cards and made my way of the stage, bumping into Simon. Simon?! I smiled wide and looked up at him.

“Uncle Si? What are you doing here?!” I asked him while being engulfed in a bone crushing hug.

“I wouldn’t miss this for anything in the world Louis. I’m proud of you.” He smiled wide, letting go of me and ruffling my hair. “That took a lot of courage and I’m glad you’re doing this, not only for Liam but for everyone in the world.”

I looked at him in confusion while fixing my hair, “How did you know I did it for Liam?”

“First of all, Niall already told me about Liam’s problem. I was advising Niall so he could help Liam along the way. And second of all, I can tell how much you really do love him. Now, if you don’t mind Lou, I’ve got a plane to catch. I’ll see you soon.” He smiled, pulling me in one last hug before walking away from me. I sighed contently, the conference had went pretty well if you asked me. I didn’t get trampled by a large crowd…

As I began walking towards the back exit where Paul, our bodyguard, was waiting for me, my cellphone buzzed in my pocket. Pausing my walk, I reached down and grabbed it. My stomach turned, all the nerves flooding back instantly as I saw the name on the caller ID.


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