Chapter 20

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait! There's going to be a long author's note at the end and I would really appreciate it if you read it :)

I ran into the house and up the stairs as quickly as my legs would take me. I ran into his room, searching around from him frantically. He was nowhere in the room. I was about to run out when a light emerging from underneath the bathroom door caught my eye. I sprinted to it, swinging it open, not even bothering to knock first. Tears immediately formed in my eyes as I took in the scene.

There he was, curled up with his knees against his chest, back against the wall. Tears were flowing down his cheeks and there was a bitter smile on his lips as he stared at his wrist that was perched on my knee. The red oozing out of his flesh and staining his pants. His right hand holding his weapon of choice… a little sharp, shiny razor.

I ran to him, ripping the razor out of his hand and shoving it in my backpocket. His eyes snapped to me as his bitter smile turned into a scowl.

“Give it back.” He said sternly, giving me a glare. I just grabbed his unharmed arm and pulled him up to a standing position and over to the sink.

“Liam this has to stop…” I murmered as tears rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably. “You’ve been hurting yourself even more since you began dating him Li…”

"That's not true!" he protested.
"For God's sake Liam! You know it's true! You know how much he has hurt you! You can do so much better than him!" I took both his hands in mine gently. "Li... You deserve someone that can take care of you and make you happy... Louis' a jerk and you know it... He only thinks of himself okay...? You have to stop all of this... You're way better than this and if he doesn't realize it then it's his loss." I spoke softly, gently wrapping his wrist in a cloth. I looked up into his eyes, "be the better man Li... He'll come crawling back to you in a minute..." I smiled, pulling him into a tight hug. He simply nodded, pulled away and walked out to his bedroom. I sighed heavily, walking in after him. He crawled up on the corner of his bed, knees to his chest, leaning against the wall. I walked over to his suitcase, grabbed a new pair of pants for him and walked back to him. "Li... You need to change pants love..." 
He didn't react at all. Not this again! He's doing exactly what he did when he found out Harry and Louis were dating. He would just lay in bed all day, curled into a ball. He wouldn't eat or sleep, he wouldn't smile or respond at all. That went on for a week until he went back to cutting himself. I’m not going to allow this anymore… he’s too good for this.

I slowly stood him up, unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. I know how this looks, it looks weird and not something two guys would be doing. But he’s my best friend and we’ve gone through this before. I slipped his dirty jeans off and helped him step into clean sweats.

“Li… listen to me…” I said, looking up at his face. His eyes were just staring passed my head, at the wall. No emotion was on his face. He didn’t look sad, or depressed. He didn’t look angry or frustrated. But I knew him better than this… I knew how broken he was… I grabbed his face gently, making him look into my eyes. “Liam… you can’t keep doing this to yourself… I promise you’ll get through this… please… promise me you’ll keep hope…” I begged. I felt the tears threatening to fall. I hated seeing one of my best mates in pain. Especially Liam… he deserves every good thing in the world… he would never even hurt a fly purposely, yet he always seemed to get hurt by everyone else. He tore his eyes away from me, kept silent and crawled back into his bed, his back facing me. I sighed heavily, laying down next to him, wrapping my arms gently around him, rubbing gentle circles on his arm.

Three hours passed, staying in the same position. I thought maybe he had dozed off but I wasn’t about to leave him. He’s obviously really hurt about something involving Louis… of course I have absolutely no idea what happened but I’m not letting him out of my sight until he’s better… I’m afraid he’ll do something stupid. I heard a faint sniffle come from Liam, followed by a deep breath.

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