Chapter 3

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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for the comments and votes!!! It means the world to me.

I was hesitant about making this story at first but I'm glad I made it. And I decided to make it a Lilo pairing because I haven't found a story about them yet.




I would normally think things through, think before I act, but not this time. I couldn't really care anymore if I hurt Harry's feelings. He had hurt the most selfless and perfect human being in the world. He had broken Louis, and he wasn't about to get away with it. I pressed the green button on the screen and put the phone to my ear. My other hand balled up into a fist. 

"Harry." I stated coldly.
"Listen Lou I" he cut himself off, obviously confused as to why I was answering his phone. "Liam? Where's Louis? Is he ok?" he rushed out, sounding worried and desperate. I couldn't help but let a scoff erupt my mouth.
"Don't act like you worried Harold. You broke him into pieces, only thinking about yourself. Like always." I spoke through gritted teeth. 
"Just tell me if he's ok Liam!" he rose his voice a couple of notches.
"He's fine... Physically. He really loved you Harry. Why would you do that to him?! He doesn't deserve the heartbreak you caused him!" 
"I went with my heart Liam!" Harry protested.
"No... You went with your dick." I spat out. "Leave him alone okay? Give him time to heal. I'm sure that when he's ready, he'll talk to you." I said, trying to calm myself before saying things I would regret. I wanted to beat Harry's face in, ruin his pretty little face so he would learn a lesson.

“You just want me to leave him alone so you can have him! Do you think I didn’t notice how you were always looking at him?!” My whole body froze. He noticed that? I tried so hard to hide it from everyone, so much that my personality changed completely. I used to be like Louis, banterous, without fear. I used to joke around all the time and just lived to have fun. But when I met him, it’s like I wanted to impress him, I felt like I had to take care of him. I needed to hide my feelings for him behind a mask, thus becoming the serious ‘Daddy Direction’.

“He deserves better than you Harry.” I spoke bluntly. Louis really did deserve better than Harry. Someone who could take care of him, someone who wouldn’t cheat on him or flirt with other people. Louis needed me.

“You’re never going to be enough for him Liam. Just face it, he’ll never love you.” And the line went dead. Tears welled up in my eyes because I knew he was right. Louis would never see me as more than just a friend. I let one tear escape and roll down my cheek slowly, landing on my hand as I put the cell phone on the counter. I’ve told myself that millions of times, but hearing it from someone else, just broke me.

I heard a pair of feet shuffling behind me. I turned around while wiping away the tears quickly and pulling on a fake smile. Lou appeared, wrapped in a blanket, a tired yet stressed look on his face and sniffling. 
I wrapped my arms gently around him, holding him close. "Couldn't sleep?" I asked softly.
"Was that Haz on the phone...?" he sniffled into my shoulder.
"Y-Yea..." I stuttered out. "He wanted to know if you were okay..." 
He nodded into my shoulder and yawned. "Thanks... For staying with me today..." he said, looking up at me with genuine appreciation.
"I'd do anything for you Lou... Don't ever forget that..." I smiled down at him and kissed his forehead softly. He shuffled out of the kitchen and went back to his bed. I sighed heavily and went to my room, tearing up again.
Two months have passed since their break up. Obviously things were awkward, there were tons of fights and snaps at each other. Niall and Zayn were trying to keep the peace between us. Harry and Zayn were together but they didn't want to go public yet. All the Larry Stylinson fans were devasted to find out that they were over. About a month ago, the fights finally died down a bit but Louis was obviously still broken. He tried acting normal but when Zayn and Harry were together, he was just an empty shell. He had moved in with me the day after the break up. My love for him grew more and more everyday, causing me more and more heartbreak.
"So, where do you and Louis stand now? Are you a couple or not?" Niall asked me. 
We were currently sitting in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. Louis went out to buy groceries. He and I have been acting like a couple, we even shared one more kiss but I knew he still loves Harry... But could he possibly fancy me too?
"I don't know... I have no idea what's going on in his head." I groaned, looking at my blond headed friend. His crystal blue eyes were full of worry and he was biting his bottom lip.
"I don't think you should let him mess with you Liam... He's using you... I don't want you hurt again... You're my best friend and I'm worried about you." 
I smiled a bit at him but looked down. "I know... I can't help it Niall... It's like I need to be with him... I need to make sure he's okay all the time... I can't be away from him for too long... In fact, I really miss him right now." I sighed heavily. My body craved for him, my thoughts were always with him. I needed to be with him, but Niall was right. I need to know how he feels about me. 
I heard the front door open and my heart beat quickened as I heard his sweet voice ring through the apartment in a sing song voice. "Honey, I'm home!" he sounded a bit more cheerful than usual. 
Niall looked at me with an expectant look and mouthed to me, "talk to him!" he got up and walked out to the living room. I groaned and trailed behind him. Louis came up and kissed my cheek softly making my cheeks flush bright red.
"Why so flustered babe?" he asked and winked at me.
Niall gave me a look as in saying 'talk to him'. I bit my bottom lip and nodded. Niall instantly perked up and looked at Louis. "Well I'm gonna head home Lou. I'll see you later." he smiled that brilliant smile of his. If I weren't so in love with Louis, I'd be swooning over Niall, he really is a sexy lad.
"Alright! I'll see you later you sexy little leprechaun!" he hugged Niall gently and kissed hi forehead softly.

Kiss Me. A Lilo Story.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum