Chapter 16: Henry (Luck)

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I pulled at the knot, striving to tear it loose. After hour upon hour of trying, I felt that I was very near to my goal. If only the ropes would give ... my bloodied fingers made things much more difficult. The blood soaked the ropes and made them harder to tug apart. Still, I knew I had to try, otherwise, I would never escape and rescue Snow. She was my biggest concern, as always. Without her, I didn't think I could face it. How many more had died while I was locked away? The thought sent shivers through me, making it even harder for me to work at the knots, yet work I do. Duty and my friends and family called to me. Without them, I am nothing.

The ropes gave away, giving me newfound freedom I hadn't felt in a few days. Although my entire body was pulling at me to run off and find the others, I had to move carefully. The ropes had cut off the circulation to my legs and arms, rendering me useless until I could get the blood flowing again.

Thirty agonizingly slow minutes later, I could finally stand. Admittedly, my legs quaked beneath me from disuse, but it was definitely a plus to actually be able to stand without shooting pain. Breathing in slowly, I made my way to the door of my cell.

Spending time with the Merry Men had taught me the unfortunate art of picking locks. Silently, I breathed my thanks as I worked at the lock, wriggling the pin I kept under my shirt in the lock. In a matter of moments, the door had swung open and I was free!

Well ... almost. I still had to find how to escape the dungeons and find Snow. But that, unfortunately, would take a bit of luck. Judging from how my week had been going, that wasn't happening, but it was worth a try. Anything was worth a try.

I drew in a slow breath as I made my way down the hall. As I went, a strange sound met my ears. Sniffling. My head shot up. "Snow?"

The sniffing stopped. "Henry?" Her plaintive voice was hopeful, yet worried.

I found her cell entirely across the dungeon from mine. She was in the back, her hands cuffed together, filthy and ashen-colored. Whether it was from dust, dirt, or just fear that her skin had taken on such a pallor, I didn't know. I didn't care.

She had never looked more beautiful. I started picking at the lock. "I will get you out," I promised.

"But what if our kidnapper comes back?" she asked worriedly.

I flashed her a reassuring smile. "With a little luck, we'll be toasting with my brothers in an hour," I told her.

I really wished I didn't have to rely on luck. 

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