Chapter 14: Belle (Winner)

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Me and Will are concealed behind a bookshelf, with a clear view of the front desk. Somewhere else in the library, I know the rest of Henry's brothers are hiding somewhere, along with Rapunzel, but I don't know where. I can only see Robin, standing beside the desk, leaning against it casually. How he could look so calm, I have no idea.

The silence in the library seemed to reverberate, the only sound being my heart beating in my chest. I feel sure that everyone else can hear it, and I take in a shaky breath, trying to calm myself. To my surprise, Will slips his hand into mine and gives it a comforting squeeze. A glance to my right shows that his pale skin is positively white, and I can feel his hand shaking in mine. We were both horribly, horribly anxious.

The door opens and closes. I freeze, not even daring to breathe. The silence seems even more oppressive and suffocating. I can even see Robin clearly stiffen, his eyes scanning the area around him. He no longer looks quite so relaxed. Yet there still isn't a sound, and that seems to crawl up my spine. There's a brief whispering sound beside me from Will praying frantically, and it seems as loud as a subway train.

More movement. It seems to be coming from all around us—behind us, in front, to the sides. There is no telling how many of them there are. My nails dig into Will's palm, and he mutters briefly in annoyance but says nothing. In fact, his nails are as painful in my hand as well.

I find that I can no longer hold my breath, and it starts coming in ragged, uncertain beats. The sounds from all around us seem to be getting louder, but I have to keep hidden, according to Robin's plan. Although he'd given us all permission to be in the library, he had strictly forbidden us to do anything.

Even the sounds are enough to make me second-guess my decision to remain in hiding. From the pale yet angry expression on Will's face, I know he's thinking the same thing. How many killers are there?

Bam. Bam. Someone screams—I think it's Rapunzel, or maybe it's me. Will gasps in pain from beside me, and I see Robin drop to the ground. The footsteps recede, and I kneel beside Will, seeing the blood on his abdomen. "Will!" I cry. "Will, are you alright?" Which is probably a dumb question, considering that there's blood seeping out of a wound on his stomach.

However, Will isn't concerned with himself. "Uncle," he mumbles, tugging away from me. He partially drags himself over to Robin, who's lying on the ground ... and he doesn't appear to be moving.

Han, Hugo, and Hal emerge from their hiding spots, looking distressed. Rapunzel is already at Robin's side, brushing his hair from his head. "Is he ...?" I can barely form the words.

There's blood pouring from a wound in his chest, and I lack the knowledge to know if it's fatal or not. To my enormous relief, he takes a deep, shuddering breath. "He's alive," Rapunzel says, and I can see the terror on her face. "But barely. We need ... we need a doctor."

"I'll get Doctor Apollo," Hugo says, and runs out of the room. I wonder if he's running from the permeating stench of blood that seems to hang over our heads.

"What's this?" As we all stay beside Robin, Will has found a note. With some nervousness, he presses it into my hand. "Read it."

I read the four words, tears filling my eyes. The note reads:

I am the winner.

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