Chapter 17 (Part 2: Game Time)

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Most of the time I just stared at how happy Jacob and Hailie looked. He won a pink stuffed panda for her and she practically drueled over it (not literally).

"Hey, Jamie. We're gonna get some pretzels. You wanna come?" Jordan ask with Chresanto holding onto her waist. Thats new...

"Uh..No thanks. I'm just gonna stay here." I take a seat in a nearby chair.

A couple minutes later Tyler comes over. It looked like Gabrielle and Jordan told him about the whole Jacob thing.

"Hey, Jamie"  he took the empty seat next to me.

"Oh..Hey, Ty." I try to sound happy.

"I heard your story about Flacob" he rolls his eyes.

"Its Jacob" I correct him.

"And you remember that why? Jamie, he broke your heart. A girl like you should never have to go through that. I'm here for you and he may not like you, but I do"

I squeazed Tyler in the tightest hug ever and then we pulled apart I kissed him. His hands wrapping around my waist and my hands throwing over his neck. But we were interrupted by a famiiar voice.

"Hey, Jamie" Jacob waved from behind me.

We broke apart from the kiss. Let the awkwardness begin..

"Oh. Hi, Flacob. I mean Jacob" I laugh a little and Tyler give a slight chuckle.

"Who's your friend?" he asks.

"Oh. This is my boyfriend, Tyler." I say confidently.

Tyler dosen't seem to mind at all.

"Cool. Cool. Well I just wanted to stop by. Maybe we can catch up sometime on everything I missed from school." he scratches the back of his head.

Was he seriously asking me out right there?

"I think Jamie's planner is booked. Isn't that right, babe?" Tyler smirks.

"Yep...maybe you can ask Rayan or Chresanto. Well it was nice seeing you again, Jacob" I wave goodbye and watch as he walks away.

Wow...That felt good. I was really starting to like Tyler now. I guess I could forget about Jacob.


Thanks 4 reading!!! Vote and comment. R u teamTymie or teamJamecob lol, update tomorrow afternoon or wednesday the latest!

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