Chapter 23

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I watched as the football team from Hashenton got their pep talk from their coach. Then I looked at our football team that consisted of Rayan, Craig, Chresanto, Jacob, Nathan, Tyler, Major, Dylan, Ryan and some other sweaty guys I didn't know. Coach Hammer (our football coach) paced back and forth as he talked to the guys. Us cheerleaders weren't on for another 10 minutes.

"Jamie, check out the competition" Brianna one of the cheerleaders  elbowed me

I looked over at the cheerleading team from Hashenton in their short green and black uniforms. The wind blew in their hair as they walked with Hailie in the middle.

"Don't worry. We'll crush em" Riley smirked

"You're right. Be right back guys" I get up and go over to Gabriella and Jordan who are sitting on the bleachers with the rest of the eager crowd.

"Hey,Jamie!You guys on yet?" Jordan asked, but I could tell her eyes weren't on me. They were on number 16 sitting on the bench. (Chresanto)

"Not yet..but how does Chresanto look?" I smirk

"Those pants fit him perfectly...." Jordan almost drueled

"Hah! I know you were staring at him this all time. You were'nt even listening to me talk" Gabrielle shoved Jordan's arm playfully

"Like you weren't staring at Ray" Jordan playfully shoved her back

"True" Gabrielle laughed and shrugged her shoulders

Our conversation got cut short when Brianna signaled to me that we were on.

"Wish me luck, girls" I get up.

"Luck" Jordan and Gabrielle shout in Unison

I made my way to the field with the other cheerleaders. 

"1-2-3-4!" We shouted in unison.

 Monica lifted her leg up and we did the same. Within two seconds we were flipping and cartwheeling all over the field. The crowd went wild.

Jacob's POV:

I got lost into Jamie's squad routine. Basically I was just staring at Jamie the whole time when I remembered Hailie's plan. Hailie and her

minions stood near a cannon opposite the field facing Jamie and the squad. I needed to think fast, but my thoughts were interrupted by Coach Marshall's voice.

"And you know the regular rules. Football players aren't allowed on the field while the cheerleding team is on. Or that player's team is diqualified.

Got it?" Coach Marshall wiped the sweat from his unibrow

Most of the team nodded and replied with the usual "Got it" What was I going to do?? I couldn't let that happen to Jamie. I loved her too much. Jamie and her squad were wrapping the cheerleading routine up and I watched as Hailie smirked. Thats when I ran to where she was. I ignored Coach Marshall and the rest of the team calling me. But I didn't look back.

"Jacob, man! What are you doing?" Rayan shouted

"Hailie!" I took the cannon remote from her

"Jacob! What are you doing? Give me that!" she took it back

"You're not doing this!" We start fighting over the remote. The cannon flipped back and forth from pointing towards Jamie's squad and back to our football team over and over until..................

Jamie's POV:

Our squad finally landed in our ending stands and smiles planted on our faces, but we recognized the audience's attention weren't on us, but on Jacob and Hailie fighting over something. Suddenly there was a big'boom!". Hashenton's cheerleading team was covered in red paint and white feathers. So was Hailie and Jacob..The crowd cheered then the announcer started to talk in the micorphone over the field

"Attention, football fans! Hashenton High has just been disqualified for one of their players making an entrance on the field" the announcer spoke

"Ugh!Look at me! You're gonna pay for this Jacob!" Hailie's annoying voice could be heard all the way from across the field.

Hailie and her cheerleading squad (now covered in white feathers and red paint) barged off the field. Jacob looked over at me, then to his angry team. Soon everyone started going home. Our team won by default. My team went to change in the locker room. I changed and started walking outside to Jordan's car. I felt so guilty though. Maybe this is why jacob came to my house. To warn me. Maybe the red paint was meant for my team.

"You ready?" Gabrielle asked opening the passenger door for me.

"Uhh..hold on"I spotted Jacob.

I went back inside the school and I saw Jacob heading into the boy's locker room to clean up.

"Jacob!" I called him and he stopped

"What?!" he shouted angrily. 

 I jumped a little by how furious he was.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't listen you. Will you forgive me?" 

"On one condition" he replies wiping the spots of pain off of his face.

"Sure." I sigh

"Kiss me"

I think for a second. Kiss you? 

"So?" he waits for my reply.

I grab his chin and start to kiss him. He presses me on the locker and he tongue asks to gain entrance and I give it permission. The kiss is long and passionate,but a familiar voice breaks the kiss.

"Jamie, Jordan and Gabrielle told me--" It was Tyler.

"Tyler" I paused.

"Whats going on?" Tyler balls up his fist

"I-I'm so sorry" My eyes began to water

Tyler shakes his head and then punches a locker. It actually dents. He pushes open the double doors of the school entrance and leaves. I couldn't tell if he wanted to cry or kill Jacob..

"Tyler!" I ran after him. I grab onto his arm, but he yanks his arm from me.

"Don't. Touch. Me" he starts walking off.

The tears drain down my cheeks as I watch as he fades away. Going wherever he was going..I barely notice Gabrielle and Jordan coming over to me.

"What happened?" Jordan asks handing me a tissue for my face.

"I messed up" I sniffed


*sniffs* I dont like this chapte.r.....*sniffs* Poor jamie, but stupid mistake. Thanks 4 reading!! I'll update soon hope u likes this chapter vote and comment yay

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