Chapter 25

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I washed my hands in the girls bathroom after I've just finished applying some makeup. I never noticed how pretty the girl's bathroom was in school. It had pink walls with white trimming and purple tile floor and white bathroom stall doors. I exited the bathroom and started for my locker where Gabrielle was. Probably waiting for me.

"Hey, J" she smiled. Instead of Jamie she called me that now. Just started  today though

"Hey" I returned the smile and started doing the combination to my locker

"Have you noticed anything strange about Jordan lately?" she asked

"Like...." I stopped searching for my geography book

"Her and Chresanto aren't talking lately, she hasn't talked to us since the game and she's always on her phone" Gabrielle explained

"1. Chresanto and Jordan. Not talking? Those words dont go well together. 2. She talked to me after the game, but they were agruing about something and 3. Jordan is never on her phone. She practically hates us on our phones when she's talking" I held my head like the world was coming to an end. Another headache coming on...

"Exactly" Gabrielle sighed

"There she is" I pointed over to Jordan whose attention was in her phone in her locker.

Gabrielle and I went over and tapped her on the shoulder at the same time. She turned around.

"Something I can help you guys with?"

Where'd that come from?? Attitude much.

"Whats up with you?" I ask putting my hands on my waist

"Nothing" she says but I can tell she's lying

"Jordan Jada Olivia Onika Simon, tell us whats the problem?" Gabrielle and I surrounded her

"I think Chresanto is cheating on me" Jordan sighed

"Oh hell naww" Gabrielle started taking off her silver star earrings, but I stopped her

"Calm down...How do you know?" I ask calmly

"Theres a girl texting him" she explains

"Okay. Now we can start taking out earrings" I started to take out my earrings but Jordan stopped me

"I just refuse to believe it. Maybe we should ask Ray" she suggested

"Right" I walked around the hallway, pulled Rayan from his locker by one of his braids , and dragged him to where Jordan and Gabrielle were

"Oww!! Oww! Don't be manhandling my hair" he jerked his head from me and I let go

"Whats this about Chresanto and some girl?" I ask

" Cant say" Rayan zipped his lips with his hands

"Not even for me" Gabrielle made her puppy dog face. It was adorable

"Okay,fine. Theres this girl name Tracey who Chres dated, but only for about four days. You see Chresanto was the player of the school. He got girls and then dumped them no less than a week, but he has actually stayed with you pretty long so trust me. He likes you. Dont worry bout Tracey, he dosen't even like her anymore"

"Are you sure?"  Jordan asks

"Positive." Ray nodded

"Okay. Maybe I shouldn't have left him home" Jordan scratched her head

"You what?"

"He called me this morning for a ride to school because his car is in the shop but I didn't go..." Jordan gave a weak smile

Before anyone could say a thing Chresanto came through the doors. You could tell he was sweating because of the sweat  his muscular figure showing through his thin white tshirt. He made his way over while Ray was laughing his head off

"Thanks for making me walk sixteen blocks, Jordan" he sighed as he opened his locker

"Sorry. I just had alot going on.." Jordan apologized

"Yah, she thought you were cheating on her" Ray blurted out

"Seriously? Wait. Its Tracey, right? That girl is just thirsty. We broke up centuries ago" he laughed

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you" Jordan looked down at the floor

"So that kiss tho" Chres smirked

"Not while you look like a sweaty buffalo" Jordan joked.

We all laughed at how Chres was really anxious for that kiss then his face just got so straight when Jordan said that.

"Well I'll see you guys later" I waved goodbye and went to my locker where Jacob was standing

"Hey, Jamie" he smiled

"Hey. Soo..about the kiss" I turned to him

"You wanna know if we're official, right?" he asked

"Yeah" I replied

"Well. I don't know. I really like you, but I just feel like you only let me kiss you because you needed a replacement for Tyler. So we should probably just start when you get over Jacob and Tyler you know?"

My mouth hung open. A replacement? Seriously...

"Okay, cool." I nodded and went to third period.

That stayed on my mind all class. A replacement. Re-place-ment. For Tyler and Jacob? I wonder if every guy thinks that. I'm over those two. At least I think I am.


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