Chapter 30: The Party\ Finale *the end and the longest*

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I tried to keep my head in order because of the huge test paper that started to approach my desk. I didn't study. I kept thinking about Hailie, Jordan, Gabrielle, Jacob, Jacob ~Perez~, my dad, my mom, my spanish teacher and Tyler. I had soo much going on right now. My mom is one way trying to make me, Jerry and her one big happy family ,my dad wants my spanish teacher him and I to be a big happy family, Hailie startes acting nice when she know she hates my guts, Jacob and I haven't talked to Tyler and I split, Jordan is going through a family crisis therefore she's avoiding me, Tyler also dosen't want anything to do with me and Gabrielle..... Her life is just perfect.

I took a deep breath as I flipped the test paper over. I looked up at Mr. Ginnley *my science teacher* who sniffed the air and pulled up his glasses. That dissapointed look. It couldn't be good. I looked down at the huge nice D+. The first horrible grade since the year started. Now all this drama was affecting my grades... I couldn't take it anymore

The bell rang for lunch and I made my way to the cafeteria. I sat at an empty table. I was hoping Gabrielle, Cassidy and an unangry Jordan would come sit with me, but instead Jacob *Perez* did.

"Hey, Jamie" he greeted handing me a pack of oreos

"Thanks" I smile taking it politely. "How'd you know I love these?"

"Just a wild guess" he winked and smiled. Thats what I loved about Jacob. He had that smile that sunk into your heart and made you smile. That kind.

"You're amazing, you know that right?" I return his cheeky white smile

"I know" he shrugs and opens a can of soda

"So..what's up?" I asked trying to allow his visit to brighten up my day.

"The usual... Desperate ex, sneeky girl that invites you to her party even though she can't stand your existence, angry best friend and blinded by love mom" I said nonchalantly

"Huh?" Jacob looked confused

"Can I trust you with something?" I asked my voice getting quieter

"Sure, anything" his voice getting as low as mine

"My mom's boyfriend raped me, my best friend is mad at me when I know she's just trying to protect me and my life is just falling apart" I rest my head in my palms

"He raped you??" Jacob asked balling up his fist

"Yeah" I answered

"Who is this guy?" he asked his expression changed from worried to angry

"He's the principle of Hashenton, but please Jacob don't do anything stupid that you'll regret" I begged

He exhaled and nodded

"Well I'll catch you later" he hugged me and left

Later that afternoon I snuck into the house. It was pretty fun having two rooms. One at my mom's place and one at my dad's. I didn't want mom to know I was home. I had already spot her white honda civic in the drive way. She couldn't know I wasn't at school. I grabbed the half of my lucky broach. Jacob had the other half. You know that I dropped at the ball.

My birth mom gave me it and ever since I hadn't been wearing it drama has been coming my way, but maybe with it I'd have some luck. I heard my mother's footsteps coming and I snuck back through the window. That was too close. Time to get back to school.

In School.....

Today was the big day. Tonight would be Hailie's party. I was happy yet afraid and nervous. Hailie could have anything up her sleeves. I watched as my substitute history teacher Mrs. Megmire paced back and forth the room.

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