Chapter 10

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I tried blocking out the world of Cindy for a while. Once Jacob didn't know it was fine by me. Besides rumors switch fast. Cindy's name could still be heard in the halls, but so could Jordan's. She was the new girl I had to show around today. Hope she's cool.

It was 7:15. I stood by the school entrance waiting. Thats when a girl with long black hair with blue highlights started wondering around. She looked lost. That must have been Jordan. I went up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Oh. Umm Jamie, right?" she remembered my name.

"Yep. Come,on." I showed her around the classes, bathrooms, gyms , cafeteria and so on. We talked most of the time. She was pretty cool, but mostly funny. Soon we stopped to her locker.

"I think I might like it here." she said opening the locker.

Before I could reply Monica and her crew came over laughing and talking with each other.

"Oh, look. We have another new wannabee. I mean Jamie when you came here. It was bad enough. Now there's two of you." Monica gave a fake smile.

"Who's she?" Jordin asked closing her locker.

"No one important." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm Monica. And yes. I'm someone important. There's only two things you need to know about me. I am and will always be the head of this school and two never mess with my Jacob or any of my girl's boyfriends. Got it?" Monica cocked her head to the side.

"What? Is Jacob blind or something?" Jordin asked sarcastically putting her hands on her waist.

I let out a laugh.

"They don't date." I added.

"So she just thinks that because she's sad, desperate and lonely?" Jordin smiled.

"Thats it! You better watch your back new girl." Monica spat before stomping off with her crew following behind.

"Now thats how you handle Monica Gray." I smirked.

"Trust me. I've had alot of Monicas at my old school. They inspired my weave collection." Jordin said as we walked to class.

"You serously have a weave from every girl you've fight before?" I asked.

"Yup." she said popping the 'p'

"Thats so cool." I said as we entered our first class.

We took our seats next to each other when Ms.Roxanne ~our engish teacher~ came in.

Chresanto's POV:

I sat back and realized I had been staring at the new girl for quite sometime now. She was just gorgeous. Perfect body. Perfect face. The cutest dimples, but I snapped out of my daydreaming when Ms.Roxanne tapped her long stick on my desk.

"Mr. August!" Ms.Roxanne growled.

"Huh?" I was so clueless.

" Pay attention." she ordered walking back up to the centre of the class.

How could I when the most beautiful girl sat right in this very room two seats on the side of me?

End POV~

At the Cafeteria...........................

"This is my bestie Gabrielle." I introduced Gabby to Jordan.

"Oh. You're the new girl Jordan everyone is talking bout." Gabrielle said opening her oreos.

"Yeah. But let them talk." Jordan said opening her bag.

She was pretty bold. Like a person who didnt give two cents about what people thought about her. All that really mattered was what she thought about herself.

" I like her." Gabby smirked.

A few minutes later Jacob and Chres came over and took a seat like they were invited or something.

"What do you guys want?" Gabby asked.

"See Chres is here to ask your friend out on a date." Jacob pointed to Chres.

"Whats your name, beautiful?" Chres asked inching closer to Jordan.


"Jordan. My favorite kind of shoe brand." Chres joked

Gabrielle , Jordan and I looked at each other like 'Is that nigga serious? He just said that.

"Right. Well I'll catch you girls later. I have to go to the office." Jordan smiled and left.

"Ugh!" Chres embarrasley laid his face into his hands.

"Dude, what was that?" Jacob started laughing his head off.

" I don't know. I guess I was just nervous." Chres admitted.

"No worries. We'll see if she likes you or not." Gabby said getting up from her seat.

"Good. Thanks, guys." Chres said.

"So how are you doing on finding Cindy, Jacob?" Gabby asked.

"Its no use. We probably just wasn't meant to be." Jacob sighed.

"You really like her, don't you Jacob?" I asked him.

He seemed like he didn't wanna answer. It would probably make it awkward knowing that he liked me and Cindy. Even though we were the same persons. He just didn't know.

"Well. She just reminds me off someone. Thats all. Come,on Chres. We have practice." he said leaving with Chres following behind.

I sighed and felt tears forming. He was meaning me. After I ditched him we never talked after. I dont know why.  I feel so stupid. Ugh. I think I need to tell him.


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