Chapter 28 *short*

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After school today I told Hailie I'd be coming over. I didn't know why I said yes, but I did. My stomach did back flips and my skin crawled at the same time when Tyler came over. His locker was three lockers down from mine. I figured I'd at least talk to him now that we're just....friends.

"Hey, Tyler" I managed to give a weak smile

"What do you want, Jamie?" he asked agressively

"I just wanted to say..hi" I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my converse

"Hi" he mocked me, slammed his locker door and started to walk away

"Rude" I mumbled under my breath

He stopped.

"Rude?? You know whats rude?? Leading a guy on then going back to a guy who dumped you twice for two girls! Thats rude!" he shouted then left

I ignored the curious stares from some of the students in the hallway who witnessed everything. I rubbed my arm from embarrasment then started for the cafeteria. I sat at an empty table hoping that no one would ruin my moment to think, but five minutes later Jordan, Gabrielle and Cassidy (my neighbor) came over.

"Hey, Jamie. We heard what happened in the hallway with Tyler" Cassidy sighed resting her bag down beside her

"I'm over him. Besides he freaked out when I told him 'hi'" I looked down at the table

"Maybe he's not  over you" Jordan shrugged her shoulders

"Come, on. He told me never to talk to him again then kisses Hailie. How much more love is there?" I wipe the tiny tears that start to form

"He kissed Hailie?" Jordan slapped the cafeteria table and stood up

"It was at Jacob's party, but I think she changed" I defended and got up too

"Changed? Her mascara, probably, but heart? I doubt it" Jordan walked away

"Whats her problem?" I asked

"Can you guys keep a secret?" Cassidy asked

"Yeah" Gabrielle nodded and so did I

"I've known Jordan before she came to Riddleton. Her family moved around my neighborhood three years ago. Jordan had a brother and sister."

"Had?" I got comfortable to hear the story

"They died" Cassidy sighed

"How?" Gabrielle asked

"Hailie dated Jordan's brother Jake for a while, but she was just using him to get back at her ex Mark and make him jealous. So it worked then one day Mark and some of his football friends killed Jake and hid his body under the football field at Hashenton."

"Thats horrible!" I shouted, but not too loud

"I know. Then we have Jordan's sister Jericka. She was always picked on at Hashenton. She hated her life. Sometimes she tried to commit suicide. So Hailie's brother Hayes decided to date Jericka. Some say for a bet, but he told the cops he loved her. At the party they were having a competition at the pool. Who could hold their breath the longest. Hailie forced Jericka. Said that if she did it, she'd be cool like her. So then she..drowned"

"Are you sure Hailie changed, Jamie?" Gabrielle asked

"People change, Gabby. But why wouldn't Jordan tell us?" I sighed

"Maybe Jordan didn't want you to know. Maybe telling those stories triggered bad memories. Do you know how it feels to get two people who you love taken away from you? I don't think so Jamie" Jordan sniffed

We turned around to see Jordan in tears

"I'm sorry" I apologized

"Save it. Besides Hailie is just going to do to you and Gabrielle what she did to Jake and Jericka if you go to that party" were Jordan's last words before she left.


Well that was....... unexpecting, but Thanks 4 reading!!! Cassidy and Jamie on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. Plz comment and vote!! Wud love some feedback, love u guys so much!!  *feels special* Btw Chapter 30 is going to be sooooooo long or at least i'll try to make it four or five pages* Its just gonna be my longest chapter because its Hailie's party, but for now chapter 28 and 29 will be the regular short chapters all counting up to the big chapter!!!!! Maybe Hailie changed? Maybe she didn't. Who knows?? Well me bc I'm the writer lol!

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