Chapter 6

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I had ended up crying myself to sleep. I awoke to see Gabrielle lying off in the bean bag chair next to my bed. I looked at my alarm clock that time was '7:51'. We had school. I know her mom would freak. I started shaking her while she was asleep.

"Oh.Rayan. I love you too. Of course we can be alone..." Gabrielle talked in her sleep. I was not about to hear the rest of this if I knew Gabrielle very well.

I shook her so much until she fell off the bean bag and onto the ground.

"Oww.!!" she started rubbing her forehead.

"We're gonna be late for school!!!" I helped her up.

"Oh. My. Gosh. My mother is going to freak!" she started rushing to pack her things.

" I'll lend you some clothes. It dosent make sense you walking home now." I threw her some white skinny jeans, purple over the shoulder blouse, and a purple beanie.

A few minutes later we were done and started fixing our hair in the mirror. Gabrielle curled hers and put on her white ray bands to match her outfit. I put on a black skinny jeans, short black shirt, and my black beanie with my black ray banz and fixed my air in a messy bun.

"Ready?" I asked her.

"Yep!" she said rubbing the lip gloss on her mouth together.

We decided to catch a ride with our next door neighbour Cassidy who had her driver's liscense. We all went to the same school so it wasn't a problem. Soon we arrived and made our way to our lockers.

"You ready for the ball friday?" Cassidy asked checking her hair in the mirror in her locker.

"Yeah. I'm going, but I don't know about Jamie. She's too chicken to ask Jacob even though he likes her." Gabrielle said.

"Jacob likes you?" Cassidy asked closing her locker.

"I don't know and I don't really care." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes he does." Gabrielle covered my mouth.

"Oooh...That Jacob is sexy! But you better watch out for Monica. She'll do anyting ust to have Jacob for herself. Anything." Cassidy left and went to history.

"I got history too, catch ya later Jamie" Gabrielle hugged me and went to class.

I needed my geography book, but my stupid locker wouldnt open. I kept trying to open it. Thats until Jacob came and gave it a light punch and it opened.

"You're welcome." he smirked.

"I didnt need your help, Jacob." I stuck out my tongue.

" But I need yours. Would you like to be my date for the masquerade ball friday?" he asked getting on his knee.

What could I say????.......

Thx for reading, comment and vote!!!!! Give me the feedback ppl!!!. I need 2 know!!

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