Caught by Headmistress

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Bart's funeral came and went and so did my contact with Chuck. After we abruptly left the party Chuck and I went our separate ways. He traveled to some far-off country to submerge himself in drugs and woman. I, on the other hand, worked full time through winter break. Doing everything I can to keep myself busy and away from speaking to others who want to ask the same old question. How are you? Are you okay? Why are you acting like a bitch? All questions I don't have answers to. Due to Bart's death, I had completely forgotten that IMG had contacted Gina and were thrilled to sign me. Gina didn't skip a beat having me working my ass off attending meetings after meetings and fittings for numerous designers. In the two short weeks, I met with five different designers and attended fittings for three magazines.

Thankfully Serena has been in Buenos Ares the whole break and Blair was busy trying to impress some high society group to even notice my absence. The only thing that brought me back to reality was when uncle Jack came into town. Mostly to see what's going to happen with Bass Industries.

"Wow. If I knew any better Ella I wouldn't believe you were my brother's daughter. You're far too good looking to be related." Jack has always been known for being inappropriate.

"Uncle Jack, how gross." I take a seat in Bart's old office.

"Why did you come to New York?"

"It's nice to see you, darling niece. If you must know, I came because I'm worried about my family."

"Jack get to the chase. You're here because you want back in Bass Industries and not just the one in Australia." I know better than to buy into his lies. There's a reason Bart moved him to Australia and out of New York.

"Have you spoken to Chuck?" I can only glare at him. Really, therefore, he demanded a meeting. If he wanted to talk about Chuck he could have called.

"Why do you care where my brother is?"

"Everyone's concerned about the two of you. I just want to do my part in caring for my family."

"If you must know Chuck has spoken to me a few times, but last I heard from him was somewhere in Asia."

"Good, want to join me for a last-minute trip?"

"I'm guessing I don't have a choice."

"Not really." Jack leads me to his car as we head to the jet. I'm assuming to find Chuck and bring him back to New York. I've had to travel for long periods of time but never with someone as annoying as Jack Bass. He was worse than Bart in so many ways. He had a stripper pole in the middle of the jet and hired stripers to keep him entertained for a nineteen-hour flight. I was ready to commit murder if it got Jack to shut the hell up. Finally, we landed in Bangkok and tracked down Chuck in one of our family's hotels. After struggling to get Chuck somewhat sober to get past customs we got him boarded on the plane and flying back to New York.

I didn't know we would be meeting up with Blair as a welcome home party. I wasn't ready to see anyone but better now than later.

"Blair." Jack is overly happy to see Blair. I slowly get out of the car with him to see a shocked Blair.

"You came to greet us?"

"Not you, Jack, Chuck and Ella." She saw me but was hesitant to do anything since our last encounter.

"You said you and Ella found him."

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