Housewarming of Doom

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Here's more drama.

Apparently, Lily cornered Serena and now she's upset with her. Serena isn't one to keep her feelings to herself and knowing from past husbands Lily does have the tendency to structure her new life around what they want. I keep assuring her that dealing with Bart is the least of her worries, but she's still caught up on all the rules Lily and Bart placed on us.

"I don't know how she expects me to take this family seriously. When her record stands at 16 months."

"Which husband was that?" I ask


"Is that the one who wore the wooden shoes?" Blair instructs Serena to zip her dress.

"No, that was Danish Claus, with a C. This is German Klaus with a K."

"Wait, I forget did she marry both?"

"No, just German Klaus, but she did date Danish Claus longer."

"To be fare Lily is Bart's record. And most appropriate one at that. Growing up Chuck and me worried one of his hookers would become our new mom."

"I wouldn't put it past Bart if he did." Serena laughs for the first time in a while.

"Oh, your mom. Remember how she always used to just jet off to Mustique or Ibiza without warning while you and Eric were still in school?"

"Eleanor always knew when we showed up with our overnight bags."

"Lily had a new boyfriend."

"We tried alternating between you and the Archibald's so you guys never knew how bad it really was."

"Why did you never rotate with me?" They gave me a weird look.

"Oh, that's right my home was designated hooker central so yeah, good call not staying with me." I love making fun of my childhood because there wasn't much of one.

"Yeah, E no one wanted to stay over at your house knowing half of your staff may have been in films." Blair teases.

"No, worries I always stayed with Arthur and his family if things got too wild."

"And Serena we knew how bad it was." Blair looks at her direction.

"But Bart is the worst. He's controlling and a hypocrite. He acts like he's family friendly when he's dated half the models in Manhattan."

"I can conquer. It's really gross when I go in for work and a girl around my age asks how my dad is." Blair turns around for us to see her and our breath is taken away.

"B, you look gorgeous. Where did you get that dress?"

"Oh, this? Just... Chuck."

"You're wearing a dress Chuck gave you?"  I ask in astonishment.

"When did Chuck give you a dress?"

"When we were going to Europe." She says like it's no big deal.

"And you're wearing it tonight?"

"It's just that it would be a shame to waster it. That's all." She walks out of the room. Serena and I give each other a look knowing that B is up to something.

I was starting to get ready when Serena barges into my room mad.

"Did you know that Bart told Eric that tonight is family only."

"Good to see you too S. And no this is the first I've heard of it."

"He's messing with our lives and he's crossed the line. He can't tell Eric who he can and cannot date. That's not right." I stand up looking her in the eyes.

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