What Did Lily Do?

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Thank you for all the feedback. I'm thrilled how everyone is receiving Ella.

Blair insisted that she should ride with us back to the house. Chuck refused and Arthur drove us back in silence. Obviously, to some, it would seem like we're not handling Bart's death in the best way, but right now it feels damn good. People treat you differently after death and the last thing I need is sympathy from people who don't have my best interest at heart. I need to just get over the fact that Chuck and I actually alone in the world and nothing can change that. Blair had her driver follow closely behind Arthur so she could take hold of each of our arms.

"E, please talk to me." She begs as we head to the elevator.

"B, I have nothing to talk about. I want this day to be over with." I try to shimmy out of her grasp but she doesn't budge.

She stops walking and she turns me to look at her. I look straight at her with a blank expression. "Ella, I love you more than you know. You've been a sister to me before I even knew what a sister was. Please, I want to be here for you and Chuck. Let me help you." I know Blair has good intentions but I don't have the heart to deal with opening up to her about my real feelings when I'm going into a house full of strangers and people who call themselves my family.

"You can help me by letting me go." Chuck takes my arm and we help each other into the elevator. Nate and Blair follow behind us not missing a step.

"You two don't even have to stay that long. Just let people shake your hands, say hello, you're done." I whip around to glare at Nate.

"We know how to converse with people Nate. We don't need you and Blair to tell us what to do." I know it's wrong of me to snap but I feel like I'm about to break at any moment and it's coming out in these little bitch fits and I can't stop it.

"E, we know you can, we are just trying to help." Nate holds his hands up in surrender.

"You don't have to convince us." Chuck quickly taking his jacket off and is on a mission.

"Oh, good Well, I just thought that after what happened at the church, you two might want not want to be here."

"This is exactly where I want to be." Chuck is looking everywhere but at us. I can't read my brother right now and I worry what he's about to do.

"I have business to attend to."

"Okay, that's fine, but let's just find you both a quiet corner, get some food in your stomachs."

"I'm not in the mood for food." Chuck grabs a glass of Scotch and heads upstairs.

"Well, it's my father's money paying for these people to eat free, so I'm going to enjoy it." Blair seems happy and worried all at the same time as she and Nate accompany me to where the food is.

I start piling a plate with all kinds of food and start munching. Blair looks at Nate worried about my state of mind, but right now all I can think about is how good this fried chicken is. I continue scarfing down food until Blair stops me from eating my fourth plate of food.

 I continue scarfing down food until Blair stops me from eating my fourth plate of food

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