Great Loss

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Here comes the drama!!!!

For years, I was used to kids at school saying stuff about Bart and his unconventional life. It usually followed with their parent's thinking poorly about Chuck and me because of who are sperm donor is. It used to make me upset, but as I grew up to the tender age of ten I understood what they meant. Bart left his two young children unsupervised as he jetted away with twenty-something-year-old models in his private jets. He would miss holiday's, birthday's and other special occasions and thought sending a message from his assistant with a vague greeting was all his children needed. I grew up not knowing who my father but what others thought of him. He was a calculating ruthless businessman who placed his empire above all else. I would get glimpses of what he could be as a father, but in the end, his business would always come before Chuck and me. Every time he began to resemble a father figure I would be harshly reminded that it was all a façade. Bart Bass was not a father.

"More towers than Trump, more bucks than Bloomberg. Bart Bass definitely made his mark on Manhattan. The passing of a public figure can shake a whole town, But the real story is always the one happening in the private, away from the headlines, at home."

"Ah, come. Eat. You need your strength." Serena wasn't shocked that her grandmother was enjoying a morning breakfast.

"I'm not hungry."

"I'm saving room for later."

"In times of great uncertainty, it's even more important that we continue our daily rituals." CeCe is really milking the whole Bart is gone thing.

"You haven't eaten a cheerio since you've been here."

"And we know that's gin in your coffee cup." I look to my brother surprised he could come up with such a quick comeback. I swat him playfully.

"My point exactly. Life must go on as it always has."

We take a seat with our grandmother as she takes another sip of her special drink. "How's mom?"

"I took her some coffee and some toast. She didn't sleep very much last night."

"Or any night since it happened."

"All she does is make lists and yell at people."

"People mourn in their own ways." CeCe defends.

"What happens tonight when it's all over and there's nothing left for her to do?"

"Maybe she'll move into the Palace and hole up with Chuck." Eric jokes.

"Ah, yes, the bottomless minibar and the comfort of the twins in room service. It's a scandal."

"People mourn in their own ways, mother." Mom makes her entrance and looks way chipper than I thought she would on this day.

"I've been assured by the hotel that if Chuck isn't alive and well. Well, at least he's alive. Ella has been staying with Arthur and his family for the time being. She's doing the best she can dealing with the loss of her father."

"I called yesterday and Arthur said Ella is finally eating again and she should be coming by to ride with us to the service." I add in.

"That's good. Have you been able to speak with her yet?" Mom asks me. She loves Chuck and Ella and wants nothing but the best for them.

"No, she's not speaking to anyone at the moment. She barely says anything to Arthur." Mom nods understanding that Ella is going to need some time to adjust.

Secrets and Lies [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora