Cat Love

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The Calico walked down the streets, smiling broadly at the male cats. They watched her intently.

The night sky was blocked out by the stank hovering above the polluted city. It was dark, nonetheless, with flickering, dull lamps and haunted noises. Far off wailing from the police goes through the alleys.

The female cat is looking for something, or someone. It's not often that she is out like this, she still has to get used to the form.

Her "owner" loves keeping her inside the house, and she can understand why.

He loves her. Really loves her. The fact of leaving to save the world is a huge matter, then making a deal with the gods to let me go is wonderful. No one does that for her.

"Caly!!" It was him. She turned to her love and watched him scatter the male cats.

He is very clumsy.

"While you were gone my first customer called in." She purred at the news.

'It's good that our dream has happened, even if it's the not the way we expect.' Leo can't hear me, but he knows I'm thinking it. He gently picks me up and I purr louder.

"I love you..." He kisses me, and for the first time since the change, I feel human.

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