World of Demigods Part 2

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He had closed his eyes when he fell, and opened them to a very crazy place. There were things Leo thought weren't real. Okay, he might actually have thought they were real, but normally he wouldn't see them killing swine.

Elves with glowing green eyes moved through the dry area, killing pigs on farms. Leo stood in shock as they started to notice him. They turned to look at each other and nodded. A beautiful elf woman came to Leo and smiled. All Leo could look at we're those eyes. A voice behind him whispered his name.

"Leo!!" It was Hazel. Leo tuned around quickly and saw Hazel with Nico, Frank, and Clarrise. Leo gasped an then heard, yet another voice.

"Come. You five need to see Garrosh." It was the smooth, beautiful voice of the elf.

"Who's that?" Leo asked, turning back to her. Dang, she was tall.

"Garrosh Hellscream? He's the head of the Horde." Horde? What does that that mean? A lot of people? Weird.

"I tell you about the place on our way to the building." The elf stated. "Be prepared. Us Horde aren't always kind." Leo gulped. He didn't understand what was going on, and he couldn't think about it because the elf started to walk away, and the other elves walked around them.


When he went through the portal, he didn't expect to come out at the gates of a kingdom. It had blue banners hanging on the sides of the gates, and humans/creatures walked around outside of it. A town in the back had been setting up for some camp.

Jason was with Piper, Annabeth, Percy, and for some odd reason, Octavian.

"What am I doing with these graceus?!" Octavian exclaimed. "And what is this place?!"

"Home." A purple elf with nature clothes on said. "Home of the Alliance. This is Stormwind." Stormwind reminded him of his dad, and how he shouldn't be here.

"Not for us," Percy said. He looked at the elf in amazement. He must have found her like nature itself. Beautiful.

"No, but you need to help us with something. It's almost like Pandaria, us working with the savage Horde. We need to work together again." The Horde sounded pretty bad from the way she hissed its name.

Percy raised his eyebrow. Piper sighed. "Tell us how to get out of here, please." Piper used charmspeak, and Jason found himself wanting to say that he didn't know.

"Charmspeak doesn't work on me, demigod. I am a night elf. Come, for we need to see the king." The night elf turned around and walked away, and they followed her.

Update ;) I dont have much to say, but I do want to say thank you for the comments! It means SOOOO much! I will start dedicating once I'm on the computer. May the odds be never in your favor!

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