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What if Percy died....?
(->A little extra break<-)

Annabeth saw it, let it happen. Watching it was worse than hearing it. When Gaea cut him, Annabeth had to hang, chained up, screaming at Gaea while Percy bled out. Gaea didn't last for long, because Poseidon and unbelievably Zues took out their anger. Annabeth choked on her own screams. After the two brothers were done putting Gaea back to sleep, they came and unchained the six remaining demigods. Then Poseidon turned away and started to cry. He grabbed Percy and dissolved into water. Annabeth sobbed, and cried, and screamed because she wished it didn't happen. It felt unreal. Hazel chocked back sobs, while Frank held her. Leo stared at where Percy was, in major shock. Piper tried to comfort Annabeth while she felt the world fall apart. Her seaweed brain was gone. There was no going back. She'd never fall in love again. Jason hit the wall, and lightning ran across his arms. It all happened so fast. Gaea cut him, then he bled out, then Poseidon came, then Zues, and it all just... Just....
Annabeth sat down on the beach, listening to the waves. It'd been a year since Percy's death, a year for grieving. She felt tears streaming down her cheeks as she smelt the ocean. She wished Percy was here. A memory came to her mind. Best underwater kiss. Then she thought about their trip down with the love boat. And the truck with the animals. And the time they held the sky together. The time she jumped on him and kissed him. When they fell into tartarus. When he got poisoned. When he looked so hot as a corpse. She longed for all those moments. She longed for him. She wished he was here.
10 years later

Annabeth sat down, looking over the class. She was a math teacher. A student in her class raised his hand. He had black hair and sea green eyes. Annabeth had almost forgotten. "Ma'am? Can I go to the bathroom?" The boy asked. Annabeth sucked in her breath and nodded. Percy chose to be reborn, and she has just met him, again. Questions lined up in her mind as she watched him leave. Then she wrote down his description. She'd never forget again.

I cried when writing this. Okay it's terrible scratch paper. I tried :P Tell me how bad I did, or if I was decent at it. Did I mess anything up? AGGGHHHH I WON'T ACCEPT IT IF PERCY REALLY DIES.

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