The Factions

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Okay, I love divergent (on Allegiant) and I decided to do this :3


My dad watched me stand up and walk out of the blue Erudite area. He shouldn't worry. I'm too smart to not choose what my results are.

I step onto the stage and looked at the three bowls in front of me. As I did, I became less confident in my choice. In my results. For the first time, I was unsure. It would be smart to choose Erudite. It would be brave to choose Dauntless. It would be fun to choose Amity. It would be self-less to choose Abnegation. It would definitely be honest to choose Candor. These, anyone of these, could be my life. I can't understand why they would make me choose.

I wouldn't make them choose.

Even if I don't want to, I have to. I am smart. I know I am. But, I am also brave. The test told me Erudite, though the tester was lying. You can't trust anyone these days.

Smarts or bravery. Which is for me?

I have been brave to be first. I have been smart to be last.

And now I have to choose.

I take the knife and make a little cut. I see my blood and I get dizzy. Then I hover it over Erudite. This is my home- no, it was my home. I move it to the dauntless bowl.

I'm smart, yes. Very smart. So it is brave to choose the lesser.

My blood drops into the coals and sizzles. I take a bandaid and walk briskly to the dauntless crowd. They had been cheering for me.

I didn't look at my father once.


The blonde girl sat in the front of the dauntless, trying to maintain calm. She could let it out. It's not like no one else is.

Oh, I thought. She's being self-less for the others.

I hear my name and I stand up. My mom, Sally, grabs my arm. I turn to her. She gives me a look I understand greatly. 'Choose the right one.' I suddenly feel like crying, but I don't.

Instead I walk to the stage.

My grey clothes itch, and I am tempted to scratch, but that would look stupid. I know what I'm choosing. It's easy. Dauntless.

So, I cut my hand, and I drop my blood. I hear the crowd, and I look up to my mom. She's smiling.

I smile back.


I knew Percy was going to pick dauntless. I just knew it.

I also know he is going to have a little surprise. I'm choosing dauntless too.

My sister and I could have a reunion.

I stand up and walk bravely to the front. The grey crowd hopes for me to stay, but I'm gonna have to pass. Revenge is my priority right now.

I cut my hand, barely wincing at the pain, and drop my blood in the coals. I grab a bandaid and walk happily to the dauntless. To a surprised and worried Percy.

I mouthed the words-"Surprise."


I fidget in my sharp black and white clothes. The Candor stare at me, and I feel awkward. I don't know why, though, it's always been like that. I'm the different one, who's mother is too witchy she is factionless.

I hear my name and walk to the front. I have to leave Candor to be treated well. To be treated right. The five bowls have never been so real. I take the knife, doing the cut quickly and painless, then stared at the five bowls again. I need to choose what is right. What is me. I take a deep breath and drop my blood in the abnegation bowl.


A push on my back suggested that I needed to go. I would have heard my name if it weren't for the girl named Hazel. She was beautiful, and she was amazing. I was thinking about leaving, but now I'm not so sure.

I walk to the front and look at the five bowls. Am I ready to give up my life for one girl? I never imagined a future in Abnegation, but my future seems to be changing. I take the knife, cut myself, and stare at the blood. It is about to fall on the ground when I swish it to the Abnegation bowl.


I smile as I walk to the front. My mother stares at me expectantly, hopefully. She wants me to stay, she believes I will always stay, because of her fashion life. Because she is definitely Amity.

"You know you can't leave me, because then who would take care of me?" My beautiful mother would always tell me with her mock smile. I was tired of being her child. She bragged about herself and laughed about others. She said she was beauty and love herself. Well, she has a surprise in store for herself. I don't love her beauty.

My heart felt empty as I stare at the bowls. No emotion was put into the smile. I cut myself and put a drop into the sizzling stone. I laugh as I look at my mother and her evil glare.


I stumble onto the stage and quickly cut myself. Then I hover it above Candor, the place I am from.

The place my mother was killed.

I have been waiting for this moment ever since she died. I have been dying for this moment ever since I found out my divergence. I smile at the thought of choosing no factions. It seems fit. My family hates me, and the kids my age think I'm crazy. I stare at the girl in Abnegation. Hazel is her name. Then I stare at my hand, with barely any blood coming out of the cut. That's it, I'm going crazy.

Now, without another thought, I drop the tiny piece of blood in Amity, something I didn't get in my Divergence.


"They are in my reach..." I laughed. Jason will be the first, of course, then that Percy guy. Last but not least, Annabeth. And that beautiful Piper? Mine. All mine. "Get the serum. We are going to have to do some tests."

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