Chapter 15: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 2) [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

     Sam and Dean are frozen in place, absolutely shocked and terrified by what their sister just did...what no human should be able to do.  As the brothers continue to watch in horror, Jean removes the demon knife from the waistband of Ruby's pants then lifts the blade above her head, ready to plunge it deep into the demon's chest.  "No!"  Sam shouts and rushes forward to stop Jean.  He grabs her from behind, wrapping his longer arms around her own upper arms and locking his hands together behind her neck.  "Don't, Jean!  You don't need to kill her, she's trapped!"

     Jean follows Sam's gaze upwards and notices that they are standing underneath the large Devil's Trap that she and Dean had made on the ceiling earlier that night.  "I might not need to kill the bitch, but I really, really want to."  She lunges for the injured demon, but Sam keeps a tight hold on her.

     "Stop, Jean!  Something is seriously wrong with you and you need to get control over whatever it is!"

     Jean takes a deep breath, in an attempt to calm herself down, and she can feel the power of Lucifer's grace slowly begin to recede.  Once Sam believes that Jean isn't going to attack Ruby again he releases her from the hold he has her in, but places himself between her and Ruby just in case.  Jean glares at her little brother for protecting a demon then she turns around and walks over to Dean.  Dean just stares at her in worry, his green eyes meeting her own, which are slowly returning to their normal color.  She holds the knife out, handle first, for Dean to take and once he does, she leaves the basement without saying anything to either of her brothers.

     As soon as Jean is gone, Dean turns to his little brother.  "What the hell was that?!"

     Sam walks over to Dean, "That's what dad and I told you about...I think.  Jean's eyes glow that color when she's angry.  I don't know what it is that's wrong with her, but whatever it is we can rule out demonic possession, since she walked out of that Devil's Trap."

     Dean runs his hand through his short hair, "Maybe she was exposed to gamma radiation?"

     Sam gives him a bitch face, "That isn't funny, Dean.  This is serious."

     "You think I don't know that?!  Our sister turns into the fucking Incredible Hulk!  Great, another damn thing we have to worry about."

     Sam sighs, "Let's focus on you first, Dean.  Once we kill Lilith and get you out of your contract then we'll deal with whatever's going on with Jean.  Okay?"  Dean nods and the two brothers leave the basement. 

     After Dean washes the blood from his face and the brothers share a moment of bonding while loading rock salt into shotguns, they make their way out of the abandoned cabin.  Once outside, they can see Jean sitting on the hood of the Impala while Bobby is nowhere to be seen.  Dean scowls at Jean, "Down.  Now."  She sticks her tongue out at him, but does as he wants.  Dean and Sam place their duffel bags into the trunk and then the three siblings get into the Impala with Dean behind the wheel, Sam in the front passenger seat, and Jean in the backseat.

     Dean turns the key in the ignition, but the car doesn't start.  Suddenly, Bobby walks up to Dean's window and knocks on the roof above Dean's head.  The Winchesters turn to look at him and he holds up a part from the Impala's engine.  "Where do you think you're going?"

     The siblings climb out of the car to stand in front of Bobby.  "We got the knife," Dean tells him.

     "And you intend to use it without me.  Do I look like a ditch-able prom date to you?"

     "No, Bobby, of course not," says Sam, trying to placate the older hunter.

     "This is about me, Sam, and Jean.  Okay, this isn't your fight."

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