Secrets? Sure I'll Keep 'Em!

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Aka, the chapter where stretch and blueberry are forced into secrecy. More about (this) errors past as well!


"Whelp, that was fun." Stretch called from the couch in his and Blueberry's home. He was covered in what looked like rope burns.
"YES, IT WAS! I HADN'T EXPECTED ERROR TO HAVE ADOPTED. BUT LOOK! HE GAVE US NEW CLOTHES!" Blue exclaimed as he put away the new stuff Error gave them.

-----------cq and her boys----

"So Error always disappeared like this? Oh, wait, I'm sorry, he USUALLY left a FUNKING NOTE!" Geno screamed. Fresh's shades were blank as his mother saw his body shake.
"Now boys, what was he supposed to do? Bring his problems to you? You both were occupied with doctor appointments and new tests to help you get better. Heck, I'm surprised he didn't do this sooner." Fresh's shades showed 'WH_AT'.
"D-do you not care? Your son is missing!"
"Of course I care!" CQ snapped. "He's my son. Just like the two of you. I care about all of you. So don't you dare talk to me like that." Fresh looked down and Geno flinched at her harsh tone. Her eyes softened. "Besides, Error is strong. He knows how to take care of himself and others."
"Mother? What do you mean?" She smiled. Error did take care of his brothers. He did a very good job when she was working longer hours in order to pay for everything.

--inkys new hiding spot--
Dream and Nightmare were both getting really annoyed. Ink was hiding in their house, in the closet, with his brush held protectively in case they came.
"Damn it. Error needs to come back, and soon."
"I know! I mean, Geno and fresh are taking this out on ink, what's gonna happen when lust finds out?"
"Then we'll need to keep classic and lust away from each other."

---mwehehe im evil!---

Cross and his Chara were also searching for Error. Except... they had three other Charas with them. Chaos, original Chara, and underfell chara.
We've checked twenty-eight different AUs. We need to let those three rest!
"But CC! Everyone is going crazy!" Cross looked back and saw the other charas about to fall over. "Fine. We're gonna take a break."
The others just fell to the ground as CC shook their head. He had a feeling that Error was closer then they realized.

-----mama error!!!-----

"And then when he went flying and you came to my rescue! You looked soooo cool! Your the best mommy ever!" Chara chattered as their mommy put away the left over tacos that their uncle Blueberry gave them. They couldn't wait for their uncles to come overagain!
"Y3s weLL iTs TImE f0r b3d." He replied as he picked them up. "WhAT stOrY do YoU waNT?"
"The one with the princes and the apple mommy!" They said as Error put them in their bed and pulled the blanket up. He went over and grabbed the book he stole a few weeks back.
"Once upon a time..."
Halllo again!
I thought you said I'd be in here!
You're here now.
.... meanie.
Anyways, got a question for you all.
Know what? Never mind. See ya next chapter! Bye and have fuuuuuuuuiuuuun!

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