Gabi Morales and Ximena Alvarez

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Evan's girls (both of whom would protest to being called "Evan's girl"): they're clever, they're determined, and they're better than you.

Introducing Gabriella Estafanía Morales and Ximena Josephina Maria Alvarez.

Gabi's thirteen and a freshman in high school. She skipped a grade, maybe two, when she was little. A mixture of her own pride and the resentment of her classmates forced her to learn people skills she may not have learned otherwise. She's very clever, seeing connections between people and their interactions with each other, and she has budding manipulative abilities that she actively works to improve. She's on the chess team, and she's trying to get on the debate team. (Evan, for his part, mostly tries to pretend that his smart little sister is still in middle school. He's never really gotten over the fact that she's three years younger than him and yet only one grade below.) She's ready to conquer high school and come out on top.

Until she gets kidnapped.

Gabi is kidnapped along with Evan, and they're immediately separated. Ryann tells Gabi the same thing she tells Evan: that Evan isn't human, that he's the property of Kingdom, that if he slips up, Gabi is going to pay for it. Gabi processes this a lot quicker than Evan (partly because she's better at stuffing her emotions down to be dealt with later, which is an ability with a double-edged sword) and starts making plans on how to get them both out. She's given a dorm and access to a cafeteria - the same cafeteria where all the big, bad guards who push little mutant kids around eat.

Apply your ENTP people skills and a year later you have an army of trained guards ready to fight a rebellion.

While Evan leads the mutants (well, Iri leads the mutants with Evan's help), Gabi leads the guards. But it's a three pronged attack.

The third prong is led by Ximena.

When sixteen-yr-old INFJ Ximena's boyfriend and little sister disappear, she refuses to accept "they've been moved to a different foster home" for an answer. She finds some sort of clue or detail that makes the entire thing fishy. So what does she do?

She uses her Nosy Journalism skills to investigate.

Her investigations take her to Evan's abuela (grandmother), who tells her everything: that her grandson was experimented on, that her son gave his life to get Evan to safety, that her daughter-in-law spent the rest of her life trying to keep him safe.

But there are two major problems: Abuela's memory is patchy - she can't remember things like the name of the organization and where it is. And nobody will listen to the testimony of an old lady whose mind is clearly leaving her.

Ximena believes her, though, and over the next year she works tirelessly to investigate Evan's disappearance and convince the FBI to help her.

So that when the mutants and the guards rise up against Kingdom, Ximena and the law enforcement are there to help.

Gabi and Ximena are awesome.

Gabi is pretty short compared to her peers, though she's the average for her age. Her skin is a similar shade to Evan's, though a bit darker, with a smattering of dark freckles over her wide, flat nose. She adamantly refuses to wear makeup. She has dark brown shoulder-length wavy/curly hair (similar to LG Mabel), dark brown eyes, and a thicker body type. People tell her she looks a lot like her mother. Gabi disdains this as stating the obvious (and also hates people reminding her of her mother when she isn't prepared for it). She wears jeans and plain t-shirts and jackets with no jewelry and rarely styles her hair. Once she's taken by Kingdom, they can't let her keep her clothes (contamination and all that), so they just give her a test subject uniform same as Evan's. Gabi eventually convinces the scientists to take her on as a sort of apprentice and gets a lab coat (and when she's an adult, she becomes the foremost expert on medical treatment and social integration for the mutant kids - at least, the foremost expert that isn't in prison.)

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