Original Content

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So a lot of people have told me that they'll read/buy/support my original content when I stop writing fanfiction, but are you guys just saying that? Will you actually stick around to support me once Gravity Rises is over? Because it's a huge commitment, sticking with one author through their entire journey. It could be five years of draft after draft until I even start sending into publishers.

I know I'm not going to keep my entire fanbase when I switch back to original fiction. Heck, I didn't even keep my entire fanbase between seasons one and two of GR (which is a shame, because season two is where all the really good stuff is). But if you're in my inner circle of fans who love what I write and tell me you're gonna stick with me through heck and high water, well. I hope you mean it. Because I really love you guys and your support and I know my journey to becoming published will be a lot easier with all of you here to help me <3

(By the way, in case you're wondering if you'll be interested in my original work, my debut novel will most likely involve some combination of genetic mutation, kids with wings, space, societal revolution, PG/PG-13 content, a heck ton of platonic love, a cast with diverse ages, a teenage main character, and a Pacha-approved amount of plot-progressing angst)

(By the way, in case you're wondering if you'll be interested in my original work, my debut novel will most likely involve some combination of genetic mutation, kids with wings, space, societal revolution, PG/PG-13 content, a heck ton of platonic ...

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