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Are you sick of romance getting in the way of EVERYTHING in fandoms? Do you wish people appreciated good ol' platonic love more often? Do you wish the shippers would just back off?

Well never fear, the Squishy Squad is here!

Squishy Squad, founded by me, is a squad of fangirls (or boys but we're just girls right now) who don't focus on romantic relationships between characters, but on platonic, cutesy, and half-romantic ones. We use vocabulary like "brotp" and "broship" and "squip" (a word created by me that mashes the words "squish" (platonic crush) and "ship" and basically means the same as broship). Our membership is open!




Anyone who wants to celebrate platonic love!

Club Motto: 

"And He Shall Be My Squishy"

And now, a drabble I came up with for two of my original characters that basically sums up our squad views on couples:

Mariah and Gavin have known each other for a couple months, and are sitting and talking late one night.

I glance over at Gavin, and I can only see the side of his face, but he's smiling. "How do you think of me, anyway?" I ask. "Like a sister or something?"

He looks at me in surprise, and takes a minute to answer. "No, not really. I mean, kind of, but. . . You're not how I would imagine a sister being."

"Well just because we don't look alike," I tease, glancing at his ginger hair.

He rolls his eyes. "You know what I mean."

"Okay," I say. "Then what about a girlfriend?"

"No," he says immediately. Good - I didn't want him to say yes - but I still raise an eyebrow at him. "I-I mean, you could - I mean it's not like - "

I laugh, cutting him off. He grins at me sheepishly.

"I think of you. . . somewhere in between," Gavin says.

I tilt my head, shifting a little closer to him. My wing is touching his arm. "What's in between a sister and a girlfriend?"

I'm giving him a lot of grief, I'll admit. But it's cute seeing him flounder around for an answer. And whatever he says after all the floundering, I know it'll be sincere.

"I dunno," he admits. "Um. . . a grade school crush?"

I laugh out loud, nudging him with my wing, unable to say anything through my laughter. He laughs too, though it's more nervous-sounding. Aw, come on, doesn't he know he doesn't offend me with these things? But I can't stop laughing.

Then my eye catches my bracelet.

My laughter stops almost immediately as I study the golden glow of the band. I can see Gavin looking at me in my periphery.

"What?" he asks softly. He knows what.

"I wish it didn't glow," I replied, my eyes still locked on the bracelet.


I shrug half-heartedly. "It just. . . draws the eye. I mean, I'm having a good conversation, and I've just found out I'm being crushed on by a five-year-old - " I give him a half smile to let him know it's okay to laugh, and he does, for a second. " - and then I look at it again."

Gavin's hand goes to the golden bracelet on his own wrist, and he twists it as he talks. "It doesn't have to distract you every time you look at it," he says. "It can just. . . be there. When I look at it, I just glance over it. I don't think about it every time. It can be a part of your life."

"I don't want it to be a part of my life." I mean to be loud, forceful, but all that comes out of my mouth is a whisper.

Gavin sighs quietly, and puts an arm around my shoulder so that he's between it and my wings. "I know," is all he says.

It's all he needs to say.


These characters are the main ones in a story idea of mine, though I don't know if/when the story will be written. The glowing bracelets are a symbol of captivity. Mariah's name isn't definite (she's supposed to be Hispanic but Maria isn't quite right), but Gavin's is.

So, wanna join the squad? :D

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